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Corridor 7: Alien Invasion

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Title Screen

Corridor 7: Alien Invasion

Developer: Capstone Software
Publisher: Capstone Software
Platform: DOS
Released in US: March 1994

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Corridor 7: Alien Invasion is based on the Wolf 3D game engine and was released with floppy disk and CD versions, with the latter featuring new game floors, multiplayer, new music and animated cutscenes.

To do:
Document the differences between the floppy and CD-ROM versions.

Debug Mode

Start the game by typing CORR7 level1diagnostic at the command prompt, then press Tab + Left Shift + Ctrl to enter debug mode. In the game, you can use the following commands:

  • Backspace + C - Displays useful information.
  • Backspace + D - Walk Debug Mode - Displays map co-ordinates and other stuff.
  • Backspace + F - Displays the current angle.
  • Backspace + G - God mode.
  • Backspace + I - Free Items! (100,000 points, 200 ammo, 100 alien charges, and the next weapon)
  • Backspace + M - Displays memory debug info.
  • Backspace + N - No-clipping.
  • Backspace + P - Lets you specify an FMV sequence to play (CD version only).
  • Backspace + R - Forces Solrac's spooky jumpscare skull to appear.
  • Backspace + T - Displays information on the current level's transporters.
  • Backspace + W - Level selection (warp).
(Source: Video Game Tips (vgtips))

Unused Graphics


A striped wall with blue and red. Possibly meant to be used in the first "episode" of the game (Floors 1-19).

Unused Sprites


Sprite Number: 0

The demo playback was supported in the one-level demo version release. The full floppy and CD versions remove the demo playback feature and have the sprite in question unused.

Placeholder Maps

While the floppy version of the game has 36 level slots, the CD-ROM version has a full 60, ala Wolfenstein 3D. However, some of these level slots are occupied by placeholders. Strangely, almost all of these placeholders are unique!