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Cookie Run: OvenBreak/Early Placeholder Graphics/Cookie Sprites

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This is a sub-page of Cookie Run: OvenBreak/Early Placeholder Graphics.

To do:
  • An early Giant Licorice Servant sprite was discovered by @koffeebeecookie on Twitter, and it's not documented here. See Discussion page (DONE).
  • Anything else new Placeholder?

Mustard Cookie

Prototype Final
Cookie Run OvenBreak Mustard Beta.png Cookie Run OvenBreak Mustard Final.png

A very early spritesheet for Mustard Cookie. Notably, this spritesheet contains many sprites for Blackberry Cookie, perhaps indicating that the latter was used as a reference for designing Mustard Cookie's sprites.

Moon Rabbit Cookie's Rabbit Form

Prototype Final
CROB Moon Rabbit Proto.png CROB Moon Rabbit Final.png

A sketch spritesheet of Moon Rabbit Cookie. This was accidentally released and was able to be seen in-game when Moon Rabbit Cookie was first released, but this has since been fixed.

Salt Cookie's Fish

Prototype Final
Cookie Run OvenBreak Salt Fish Proto.png Cookie Run OvenBreak Salt Fish Final.png

A sketch spritesheet of the fish that appear during Salt Cookie's skill.

Millennial Tree Cookie

Prototype Final
CROB Millenial Tree Proto.png CROB Millenial Tree Final.png

Sketch spritsheets for Millennial Tree Cookie, being mostly complete compared to the final.

Prototype Final
CROB Millenial Tree Sketch 2.png CROB Millenial Tree Final 2.png

Whipped Cream Cookie's Night of Reverie

Early Final
CROB Whipped Cream Costume Early.png CROB Whipped Cream Costume Final.png

Whipped Cream Cookie's Night of Reverie has it's early spritesheet still in the process of being converted from the original Whipped Cream Cookie.

Firecracker Cookie's Fantabulous Neon Party

Firecracker Cookie's Fantabulous Neon Party has it's early spritesheet as an identical copy of Firecracker Cookie's normal spritesheet.

Firecracker Cookie Skill

Early Final
CROB Firecracker Skill Early.png CROB Firecracker Effect Final.png

Firecracker Cookie has a copy of her skill spritesheet that is a sketch saved as an alternate version for their Fantabulous Neon Party costume, but it was later overwritten with an identical copy of the final skill spritesheet for Firecracker Cookie's normal appearance.

Ananas Dragon Cookie

Prototype Final
Cookie Run OvenBreak Ananas Dragon Proto.png Cookie Run OvenBreak Ananas Dragon Final.png

A sketch spritesheet for Ananas Dragon Cookie's skill that was left over from development.

Sorbet Shark Cookie's Skill

Prototype Final
CROB Sorbet Skill Proto.png CROB Sorbet Skill Final.png

Sorbet Shark Cookie's early skill (aside from being uncolored sketches) features two different kinds of obstacles: a pirate fish skeleton with a sword and a clam. In the final version, they become two alive fish.

Sorbet Shark Cookie's Water

Prototype Final
CROB Sorbet Water Proto.png CROB Sorbet Water Final.png

The early version of the water in Sorbet Shark Cookie's skill has more detail and has a light gradient.

Timekeeper Cookie

Prototype Final
CROB Timekeeper Sketch 1.png CROB Timekeeper Final 1.png
Prototype Final
CROB Timekeeper Sketch 2.png CROB Timekeeper Final 2.png

Sketches of Timekeeper Cookie's gameplay sprites.

Licorice Cookie Effect

Prototype Final
CROB Licorice Effect Early.png CROB Licorice Effect Final.png

Aside from the general roughness of some sprites and the re-use of the collapsing snow ground from Land 6: Yeti's Ice Cream Mountain, the original design of the Giant Licorice Minion was based on that of Michaël Adam (more commonly known as his nickname, Mic Mac)'s design of a Waffle Cookie. According to a tweet also by Mic Mac, the idea was scrapped "because we felt it didn't match the overall athmosphere/concept enough".

Lotus Dragon Cookie Menu Walk Animation

Early Final
CROB Lotus Early.png CROB Lotus Final.png

Lotus Dragon Cookie's shop walk and exhausted graphics used a cyan recolor of Ananas Dragon Cookie as a placeholder.

Lotus Dragon Cookie

Early Final
CROB Lotus 1 Early.png CROB Lotus 2 Final.png

Lotus Dragon Cookie's early spritesheet is mostly incomplete, only a handful of sprites are actually completed.

Lotus Dragon Cookie Skill

Early Final
CROB Lotus Effect Early.png CROB Lotus Skill Final.png

There are a few complete sprites in Lotus Dragon Cookie's first skill spritesheet, but there are still a handful of incomplete sprites.

Sour Belt Cookie Skill

Early Final
CROB Sour Belt Skill Early.png CROB Sour Belt Skill Final.png

Sour Belt Cookie's skill spritesheet has pretty much everything in a rough and/or sketched state.

Chocolate Bonbon Cookie

Early Final
CROB Bonbon Early.png CROB Bonbon Final.png

Chocolate Bonbon Cookie has a good amount of complete sprites in the early spritesheet, but a handful of rough and sketch sprites are still present.

Chocolate Bonbon Cookie Skill

Early Final
CROB Bonbon Effect Early.png CROB Bonbon Skill Final.png

The early version has pretty much everything still sketched and incomplete.

Chocolate Bonbon Cookie's A.C.I.D. F/W Collection stand sprite

Early Final
CROB Bonbon Costume Early.png CROB Bonbon Costume Final.png

The early version of the stand sprite of the Chocolate Bonbon Cookie's A.C.I.D. F/W Collection costume has a white outline around Chocolate Bonbon Cookie, and for some reason, still has Rose Cookie's blinking frames in it still. (Rose Cookie was used as a base for Chocolate Bonbon Cookie)

Tiramisu Cookie

Early Final
CROB Tiramisu Early.png CROB Tiramisu Final.png

Tiramisu Cookie has a few sketches that are completely brown.

Tiramisu Cookie's Train

Early Final
CROB Tiramisu Skill 1 Early.png CROB Tiramisu Skill 1 Final.png

Aside from the general roughness, the cat has Zs coming out of it, which the final lacks.

Tiramisu Cookie Houses

Early Final
CROB Tiramisu Skill 2 Early.png CROB Tiramisu Skill 2 Final.png

Not much else to say except the house is tough and the "poof" effect isn't transparent in the early version.

Crowberry Cookie's Crow Mode

Prototype Final
CROB Crowberry Early.png CROB Crowberry Final.png

The sketch version oddly has Crowberry Cookie's staff colored in some frames whereas the main body of the Cookie is generally a flat color of gray or white.

Rambutan Cookie's Golden Wreath Warrior

Prototype Final
CROB Rambutan Costume Old.png CROB Rambutan Costume New.png

Rambutan Cookie's Golden Wreath Warrior used a hue shift of Rambutan Cookie as a placeholder. This was also seen in the official YouTube video revealing Rambutan Cookie.

Lychee Dragon Cookie

Gameplay Sprites

Prototype Final
CROB Lychee Old.png CROB Lychee New.png
Prototype Final
CROB Lychee 2 Old.png CROB Lychee 2 New.png

Still in a rough state, only Lychee Dragon Cookie's "essential" sprites are 100% finished.

Effect Sprites

Prototype Final
CROB Lychee Effect Old.png CROB Lychee Effect New.png
Prototype Final
CROB Lychee Effect 2 Old.png CROB Lychee Effect 2 New.png

The main effect spritesheet is all in a sketched state. The flame overlay is differently colored in the early version as well.

Menu Sprites

Prototype Final
CROB Lychee Menu Old.png CROB Lychee Menu New.png

Lychee Dragon Cookie uses a red hue-shift of Lotus Dragon Ccokie as a placeholder.

Choco Ball Cookie

Prototype Final
CROB Choco Ball Old.png CROB Choco Ball New.png

The early spritesheet is nearly identical to the final, except that one of Choco Ball Cookie's animations for when he showboats after scoring a goal with his Magic Candy was changed from him pulling his shirt over his head to him relishing the moment. The reason for the removal is that a player can get a yellow card if they celebrate their win by coverting their face with their shirt in real life football games.

Choco Ball Cookie Effect

Prototype Final
CROB Choco Ball Effect Old.png CROB Choco Ball Effect New.png

Aside from the general sketch state, one of the opposing team's defense Cookies has a different design.

Cauliflower Cookie

Prototype Final
CROB Cauliflower Sketch.png CROB Cauliflower Final.png

Longan Dragon Cookie

Prototype Final
CROB Longan Dragon Sketch.png CROB Longan Dragon Final.png

White Ghost Cookie

Prototype Final
CROB White Ghost Sketch.png CROB White Ghost Final.png

Rebel Cookie

Prototype Final
CROB Rebel Sketch.png CROB Rebel Final.png

Blue Lily Cookie

Prototype Final
CROB Blue Lily Sketch.png CROB Blue Lily Final.png

Peppercorn Cookie

Prototype Final
CROB Peppercorn Sketch.png CROB Peppercorn Final.png

Xylitol Nova Cookie

Prototype Final
CROB Xylitol Nova Sketch.png CROB Xylitol Nova Final.png