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Commander Keen Episode 4: Secret of the Oracle

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Title Screen

Commander Keen Episode 4: Secret of the Oracle

Also known as: Commander Keen: Secret of the Oracle
Developer: id Software
Publisher: Apogee Software
Platform: DOS
Released internationally: December 15, 1991

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Commander Keen 4 is the first Commander Keen game with a soundtrack and is the first part of the "Goodbye Galaxy" sub-series.

Debug Mode

During gameplay, pressing A, 2, and ↵ Return all at once will activate debug mode. (Early versions of the game do not require this step.) Once activated, these keys will perform the following functions:

  • F10 + B - Change border color
  • F10 + C - Show number of active/inactive objects in the level
  • F10 + D - Record a demo
  • F10 + E - Skip level
  • F10 + G - Activates God Mode
  • F10 + I - Free items
  • F10 + J - Jump cheat
  • F10 + M - Display how much memory is in use
  • F10 + N - Turn clipping on and off
  • F10 + S - Turns on and off slow motion
  • F10 + T - Sprite test
  • F10 + V - Add Extra VBLs
  • F10 + W - Warp to level
  • F10 + X - Extra Stuff
  • F10 + Y - Reveal hidden areas

This also applies to Commander Keen Episodes 5 and 6.

Unused Graphic

Commanderkeen4unusedentrance.png It seems that a desert town was planned for Episode 4, but it was removed for unknown reasons. An overworld graphic still exists for this.

(Source: Shikadi - Keen Wiki)