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Command & Conquer: Generals/Unused Content in the Original/Unused Sounds/Abilities

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This is a sub-page of Command & Conquer: Generals/Unused Content in the Original/Unused Sounds.


Most units have voice lines for selecting/using their special abilities, however only few of these are used by the game.

Flashbang Grenades

Two unused voice lines for selecting the Ranger's Flashbang Grenades.

Sound file Transcript
Plenty of flashbangs here.
We'll take 'em prisoner.

Laser Missile Attack

This would play when the Missile Defender's ability is selected.

Sound file Transcript
Laser systems on-line.

Demo Charge

These voice lines would've been used for Colonel Burton's Timed and Remote Demo Charges.

Sound file Transcript
I'll use the Remote Demo Charge.
The Timed Demo Charge will work.


Two voice lines for selecting the Ambulance's Detox ability.

Sound file Transcript
Loading up the Detox hoses.
Detox kit ready.

Waypoint Targeting

Voice lines for using the cut Waypoint Targeting ability for the Tomahawk Launcher.

Sound file Transcript
Waypoint set.
Setting waypoint path.

Disable Building

Three unused selection vice lines for the Hacker's Disable Building ability.

Sound file Transcript
Hacking algorithms ready.
Terminal ready.
Let's get connected.

These four voice lines were to be used for when the Hacker finishes hacking.

Sound file Transcript
I'm in.
Hack complete.
He-heh, I've disabled their building!
Enemy building is disabled.

Black Lotus

Capture Building

Three unused voice lines for finishing capturing a building.

Sound file Transcript
I'm in, we control the building now.
Building capture complete.
We have their building, what's next?

Vehicle Hack

Again, three unused voice lines after hacking a vehicle.

Sound file Transcript
Disabling complete.
That's it, their vehicle is down.
The vehicle is down, what's next?

Cash Hack

Two unused voice lines for either selecting the Cash Hack ability or finishing a cash transfer.

Sound file Transcript
They won't even notice.
Credit transfer ready.

Fire Wall

Three voice lines for selecting the Dragon Tank Fire Wall ability aren't used.

Sound file Transcript
fFire storm ready!
Ready for fire storm attack!
Where should I unleash the dragon?

Evacuate (Overlord)

The Overlord has two unused voice lines for evacuating infantry units out of the bunker addon.

Sound file Transcript
Leave, now!
Bunker is empty.

Deploy and Unpack

These voice lines indicate you had to manually deploy and unpack the Nuke Cannon through a Command Button before and after use. In the final game, Nuke Cannons deploy and unpack automatically, leaving these voice lines unused.

Sound file Transcript
Preparing for the moment.
Setting up for countdown.
Sound file Transcript
Packing up materials.
Preparing for transport.
Folding up.

Scorpion Missile

It seems that the Scorpion Missile upgrade was originally a manually activated ability rather than passive since there are selection and use voice lines in the files but are unused since the Scorpion automatically uses its missile.

Sound file Transcript
Arming Stinger Missile.
Loading up a Stinger.
Arming Scorpion tank rocket.
Sound file Transcript
Firing stinger.
Sending the missile.
It will hit its target.
Stinger launched.
Feel the Scorpion sting!


Three unused voice lines for selecting the Toxin Tractor's Contaminate ability.

Sound file transcription
Set to contaminate area.
Where should we contaminate?
Where do you want to spray?