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Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall

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Title Screen

Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall

Developer: Grigon Entertainment
Publisher: Cartoon Network Studios
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X
Released in US: January 14, 2009

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

See, this is why game preservation is important.
This game is defunct.
Do note the game no longer works at all without modifications. This is most likely due to the game's servers being shut down. As a result, further official developments with the game are unlikely to happen.

Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall was Cartoon Network's answer to the MMORPG. It was shut down in August of 2013.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Characters

One of FusionFall's main appeal points were the various Cartoon Network characters that populated the game as NPCs and Nanos, miniature versions of the characters that use various powers to assist the player in battle. Budget for 52 NPCs made the game's launch, but many others were planned, with several receiving concept art, and even in-game models and icons.

Ben 10 Series

The Ben 10 series in FusionFall is somewhat unique, in that the series has had several iterations since its original airing. While FusionFall was in early development, the first series, featuring a younger cast was the first and only series that had aired at that time. As such, the development team intended to include this younger cast. However, as the game developed, the original series ended, and a more successful and lore-rich series, Ben 10: Alien Force found its way to air. As a result, somewhat late in development, the entire Ben 10 series was altered and replaced to include the more popular and current Ben 10: Alien Force.

Upgrade and Ghostfreak Nanos were replaced with the Ben 10: Alien Force aliens Swampfire and Humungusaur. Ben was originally designed as a placeholder for Nanos.

Despite the series makeover, Ben 10's original series still has plenty of leftover content from his younger days. Leftover within the game were icons for Ben, Gwen, and Kevin's younger selves, as well as fully complete Nanos of Ben's aliens Ghostfreak, Upgrade, and even Ben himself.