Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Windows)/Unused Strings
This is a sub-page of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Windows).
CD Keys
Previous iterations of the Call of Duty series used to require a valid CD key to play multiplayer in order to deter piracy. This functionality goes unused because the Windows release of the game is only available through Steam.
Codename | String |
EXE_CDKEYVALID | Key code appears to be valid. |
EXE_CDKEYINVALID | Key code does not appear to be valid. |
EXE_SERVERDIDNTHAVECD | Server didn't have CD |
EXE_AWAITINGCDKEYAUTH | Awaiting key code authorization |
EXE_ERR_INVALID_CD_KEY | Key Code is not valid.\nPlease enter your Key Code in the Multiplayer Options/Enter Key Code menu and then try connecting to the server again. |
EXE_ERR_CDKEY_IN_USE | Key Code in use. Please try reconnecting later. |
EXE_ERR_BAD_CDKEY | Bad Key Code. |
MENU_KEY | Key: |
Dedicated Server Support
Previous iterations of the series used dedicated servers for its multiplayer. However, Infinity Ward made the decision during development to switch to IWNet (a peer-to-peer system) for its multiplayer. As a result, these strings go unused.
Codename | String |
EXE_FAVORITELISTFULL | Favorite list is full. |
EXE_FAVORITEADDED | Added favorite server. |
EXE_FAVORITES< | Favorites |
EXE_FAVORITEINLIST | This server is already a favorite server. |
EXE_FAVORITENAMEEMPTY | Server name is empty. |
EXE_FAVORITEADDRESSEMPTY | Server address is empty. |
MENU_NEW_FAVORITE | New Favorite |
MENU_ADD_TO_FAVORITES | Add To Favorites |
MENU_DEL_FAVORITE | Del. Favorite |
MENU_DEL_SEL_FAVORITE | Delete selected favorite from list? |
MENU_ADD_SELECTED_SERVER_TO_FAVORITES | Add selected server to favorites? |
Beta Leftover
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: Is there any copy of this supposed beta? If not, is there any information about it? |
Codename | Text |
MP_BETACLOSED | "The Beta for Modern Warfare 2 has now ended." |
Unused Perks
A bunch of unused perks can be found in the game's files. While some were cut due to balancing, others were made into deathstreaks.
Name | Code Name | Description |
"Flash Grenade x 3" | PERKS_FLASHGRENADE | "Blinds and deafens targets." |
"EMP Grenades x3" | PERKS_3X_WEAPON_EMP_GRENADE | "Utilize the grenades of KIA." |
"Mozambique" | PERKS_BURSTFIRE | "3 round burst mode." |
"Siege" | PERKS_SIEGE | "Immobile but greater accuracy" |
"Free Fall" | PERKS_FREEFALL | "No falling damage." |
"Feign Death" | PERKS_FEIGNDEATH | "Fake your own Death" |
"Shellshock" | PERKS_SHELLSHOCK | "A riot shield on your back." |
"Freerunner" | PERKS_FASTMANTLE | "Climb obstacles faster." |
"Explosive Bullets" | PERKS_EXPLOSIVEBULLETS | "Bullets explode on impact" |
"Thermal Vision" | PERKS_THERMAL | "Enemies glow white hot." |
"Dive" | PERKS_JUMPDIVE | "Jump to dodge bullets." |
"Blackbox" | PERKS_BLACKBOX | "Longer killstreak duration." |
"Steel Nerves" | PERKS_STEELNERVES | "Improves marksmanship." |
"Amplify" | PERKS_AMPLIFY | "Enhanced hearing of enemy footsteps." |
"Saboteur" | PERKS_SABOTEUR | "Quickly complete objectives." |
"Heart-Breaker" | PERKS_HEARTBREAKER | "Invisible to heartbeat sensors." |
"Challenger" | PERKS_CHALLENGER | "Easy death but extra experience." |
"Rearview" | PERKS_REARVIEW | "Minimap is replaced with rear view." |
"Improved Iron Lungs" | PERKS_IMPROVEDEXTRABREATH | "Even longer breath for steadier sniper shots." |
"Primary Stand" | PERKS_LAST_STAND_PRIMARY | "Use any weapon in Last Stand." |
"Spy Game" | PERKS_SPYGAME | "No red crosshair or name when targeted." |
"C4Death" | PERKS_C4DEATH | "Pull out C4 before death." |
"Offhand" | PERKS_LAST_STAND_OFFHAND | "Use equipment in last stand." |
Multiplayer Mail System
It appears that during its early stages of development, the game used an in-game mailing system. The following localized strings are what remain in the game's files. A similar idea was used with the daily and weekly orders in Call of Duty: WW2, where the player can complete challenges (such as getting a number of kills on a set playlist), in return for a supply drop or bonus XP.
Code Name | Description |
MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_TOO | "Target of oppurtunity eliminated!" |
MPUI_MAIL_BODY_WEAPON_TOO | "You've eliminated a known target that we'd been looking for for some time. We'll be sending you something useful as payment." |
MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_WEAPON_ARRIVED | "Enjoy your new hardware!" |
MPUI_MAIL_BODY_WEAPON_ARRIVED | "We hope this bad boy helps you out in the fight against the enemy. Give 'em hell for us." |
MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_PERK_ARRIVED | "New field manual declassified." |
MPUI_MAIL_BODY_PERK_ARRIVED | "You've received clearence for the field opperations manual. Use what you've learned wisely." |
MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_INCOMING_ATTACHMENT | "Something new is on the way." |
MPUI_MAIL_BODY_INCOMING_ATTACHMENT | "I've sent you a little something for your troubles; it should be arriving shortly. Enjoy." |
MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_ATTACHMENT_ARRIVED | "Hope you get some use out of this" |
MPUI_MAIL_BODY_ATTACHMENT_ARRIVED | "Here's a handy attachment for your weapon. P.S. I miss you so bad it hurts." |
MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_CAMO_ARRIVED | "Enjoy your new camo!" |
MPUI_MAIL_BODY_CAMO_ARRIVED | "Here's a little something to spice up the look of your weapon." |
MPUI_MAIL_BODY_INCOMING_SUPPORT | "I'm working on authorization to get you some new air support. Stay tuned." |
MPUI_MAIL_SUBJECT_SUPPORT_ARRIVED | "Your authorization came through." |
MPUI_MAIL_BODY_SUPPORT_ARRIVED | "I got the authorization for some new air support. Get out there and win one for us!" |
MPUI_LOTTERY_TICKET_SUPER | "Super Lottery Ticket" |
It appears that along with this mailing system, it would be possible to earn one of three lottery tickets, being either a regular ticket, a super ticket, or a mega ticket.