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Burn the Rope

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Title Screen

Burn the Rope

Developer: Big Blue Bubble
Publisher: Big Blue Bubble
Platform: Android
Released internationally: December 20, 2010

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

Burn the Rope is a game in which you tilt your device to guide a flame and burn a rope.

Unused Graphics

Forest Area Graphics

There are some graphics in the android version for an unreleased 8th area called Forest. The graphics consist of the area icon and placeholder icons for the levels that are early versions of Area 6's level icons.

Burn the Rope Stage 8 Icon.png

Burn the Rope Placeholder Stage 8 Level Icons.png

Free Version Images in Full Version

The full version of the game still has images from the lite version.

Unused Xmls


There is a file named startup.xml, which is most likely intended for an unreleased Windows version. This file, found only in versions 1.0 to 1.1, appears to set the default size of the game window and the window title when the game starts.

	<MainWindow title="Firebug" defaultSizeX="320" defaultSizeY="480" />

Unused Text

Forest Area Name


Unused Bridge Area

There is text for an unused area called Bridge, which would've seemingly taken place between the Fire Pit and Wood Pile.


Flames Text

There is text relating to flames, which seem to be a scrapped currency. The concept of flames as currency was later reused in the game's sequel Burn the Rope Worlds.

Get Flames
Get 1000 flames for 200 papayas!
You do not have enough flames to unlock this level.
Points are needed to unlock this world.

Obtaining Different Flame Skins and Levels

In the settings menu, you can change the look of the flame. According to these text strings, you originally had to do a certain task to unlock new flames and levels.

Subscribe to our E-mailing list to unlock this flame. Would you like to do that now?
Get a score of 100 in game center to unlock this flame
Rate our game to unlock this flame. Would you like to do that now?
Like our game on Facebook to unlock this level. Would you like to do that now?

Text From Other Platforms

The text belonging to other platforms of the game such as MacOS or Wii exist in all versions.

Text from Lite Version

Like the graphics, text from the lite version also exists in the full version.

Internal Name

According to the particle .psi files, Burn the Rope's internal name is Firebug. This is due to the game being about fire, and bugs being one of the main aspects of the game, being required to burn certain pieces of rope. Coincidentally, there is a bug in the game called Firebug.