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Bugs:The Sims 2 (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)

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This page details bugs of The Sims 2 (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox).

PS2 Version Cleanup/Memory Bug

After running a single-player game for a long time, continued play or not, eventually a bug will occur where ashes from burnt objects or other rubbish objects will start to appear and stack in default 0,0 coordinates instead of where they were supposed to be generated. This is a major problem, because not only do these rubbish objects count towards placed furniture, they cannot be sold, and there is no way to remove them without hacking since the 0,0 coordinate is typically in the middle of the road/highway and blocked off from any character accessing them (even the maid).

Costume Closet CAS Glitch

If you have a costume closet on your lot, and your sims have a costume currently on them. Delete the closet, save and quit the game. Once you are in the main menu, go back to freeplay mode and then evict your household from the lot. Edit your household in CAS that you evicted, sometimes the costume will actually save on them. Removing the facial hair off of the sim, will result in the costume's head texture to switch to the sim's face texture. Sometimes the glitch will actually save on the sim, while other times the game will revert back to the previous version of the sim.

Gender-Swapped Sims

To do:
Attempt to re-create the glitch, and add a video about it here.

Sometimes the game will render Male and Female sims as their opposite genders after editing them in CAS and playing the household. The game will render them the same as what is created in CAS, however the gender is still from the previous version of the sim. Upon doing certain actions that require a sim to change clothes (such as sleeping, taking showers, getting into a hot tub, etc) the sim will appear all glitched and the opposite gender textures will appear instead. Upon reloading the game, the sim will revert back to the previous version of the sim. (Which results in their U.I icon to stay as the new sim.)