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Bugs:Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Sega CD)

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This page details bugs of Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Sega CD).

To do:
Videos of these bugs/glitches must exist, but I'll add them in later for ones that exist.

Moving While Charging Peelout

It appears there wasn't actually a check added for Sonic rolling while initiating a Super Peel-Out. When peeling and pressing Down, Sonic stays in place but not before abruptly moving a smidge. Peeling and pressing Down + Right causes Sonic to immediately zoom off while still charging both the Spindash and the Super Peel-Out. In this state, Sonic goes so fast that strange things start to happen: either his animation bugs out on certain surfaces, he clips through collision, or can jump very high if the surface is angled in a certain way. The Sonic CD TAS uses this to bypass the Collision Chaos boss entirely.

3D Ramp Jump

With a well-timed jump, it is possible to jump off the first 3D ramp in Palmtree Panic Zone 1, just before getting locked into movement. This may cause minor graphical quirks with the background, but going back into the ramp area should fix this.

Wall Travel

In many levels, time traveling at certain spots will result in Sonic being inside walls or other terrain. This isn't too surprising, as some time periods have walls in spots where others don't.

It seems the developers anticipated this to an extent, as some places where Sonic can get stuck have semi-solid staircases, allowing the player to leave.

Amy's a Mess

In Stardust Speedway Zone 3 with Debug Mode active, when the player reaches Amy, they can change into any sprite and go to the far left of the screen until the camera bugs out. Then, head back to Amy and her color palette will be glitched, now appearing green and purple.

"I’m outta here...or not!"

Have Sonic stand above a curling tunnel, then wait for three minutes so the "I'm outta here!" animation occurs. If done correctly, Sonic will enter the tunnel, stopping the "outta here" animation and resuming normal gameplay.

"WWZ has a time of day shift?!"

During Wacky Workbench, the machinery is supposed to activate halfway through the level in all time zones (except for the Good Future, in which it remains deactivated). To indicate this, the developers implemented a palette swap mid-level. However, this palette swap was not updated to use the new palette, resulting in a singular palette being different once the machinery has been activated in the past and the present. This outdated singular palette can also be seen in the 510 prototype of the game.


Standard Midpoint 510


Standard Midpoint 510