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Bugs:Sonic the Hedgehog (DoJa, J2ME, BREW)

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This page details bugs of Sonic the Hedgehog (DoJa, J2ME, BREW).

Glitches in Labyrinth Act 3 (J2ME/BREW)

Perhaps due to the complicated nature of this stage with the infinite scrolling gimmick, several bugs and glitches made their way into the J2ME versions.

  • The background noticeably "jumps" when Sonic is at a certain vertical position. This only seems to happen in the lower-resolution versions, not the 240x320 version that uses original-sized graphics.
  • Going into a certain corner in the shaft at the end of the stage temporarily activates the blocks and the water for some reason, as if the boss is already active.
  • It's entirely possible to jump over the boss spawn trigger and finish the stage without him spawning. Attempting to finish the stage like this will lead you to having to jump onto or over the invisible animal capsule first. This glitch also exists in the BREW versions.

Act Clear Storage (J2ME)

The game disables the pause button when Sonic finishes an act. However, suspending the game using the phone's controls and going back will open the pause menu. Going to the title screen and starting a new game (in some versions this has to be done in a timely fashion) will start Green Hill 1 already with its score countdown and the "press 5" prompt, and pressing 5 will start Green Hill 2.