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Bugs:Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)

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This page details bugs of Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis).

A Longer Version of a Long Track

Green Grove Act 2

The game forgets to reset the volume for one of Green Grove Zone 2's channels, resulting in it getting quieter. This also unintentionally creates a longer track… for a track that is already four minutes and has three remixes of itself.

Title Screen

Similarly, there is also another known bug within the sound test. After playing the title screen/opening music (ID BGM 14), switch to play the extra life music (ID BGM 19) over and over again until the title screen music has stopped playing. You will hear a square wave and then a bunch of random FM instruments play in a dedicated sequence. The game forgets to reset the volume of the title screen music, however that doesn't explain the other instruments that play within this non-randomized sequence.