Bugs:Monsters, Inc. Scare Island
This page details bugs of Monsters, Inc. Scare Island.
Infinite Jump
By specifically timing jump inputs whilst standing still in this game, it is possible to jump forever. For example, in order to jump forever as Mike, you must, as mentioned, be standing still, and then begin to double jump. You will notice the 2nd jump's animation is a repeat of the 1st jump's animation, and not the somersault animation that it SHOULD be. This animation tell is key to performing the trick as Mike. Once, during the 2nd jump animation, Mike has fully raised his arms, if you attempt to jump again, the game will allow you to do so instead of causing Mike to flutter in place as it should do. The game will begin a new jump as if you never jumped at all. Simply keep double jumping in this pattern and rhythm, and you will gradually ascend.
This can be done with Sulley (to only advance horizontally) with the same execution in mind, but it's way slower and harder to do.
If you would like to begin moving during the glitch, the recommended course of action is to get a good amount of height using the glitch from a standstill, and then 'flap' your way to your desired destination. What I mean by 'flap' as I like to call it is that after whatever double jump from a standstill you choose where you decide you want to start moving during the process of the glitch execution, you simply keep up the same pattern as ever but this time operating upon the tell of Mike raising his arms after the first jump, essentially executing single jumps over and over instead of double jumps. You will gradually lose height as you execute the movement, but not to worry, because firstly, you should have gained substantial height already from beginning the glitch execution at a standstill for however long you saw fit, and secondly, if you let go of the joystick during the 'flap' process, then you can immediately resume the 'stand still' part of the process and switch back to flapping whenever you'd like,. You can go as far as you want and for as long as you want in any level of the game with the combination of flapping and standstill height accumulation, essentially making all upgrades awarded to you for completion of the bronze medal challenges obsolete.
Rhytmic Audio Bug
Very rarely, it's possible for the game to start spitting a very rhytmic but glitchy audio with small bits of actual sound effects in the mix. When this happens, the game starts to stutter a bit, and can eventually hardlock the game. Exiting the game from pause menu doesn't correct this bug and a full reboot is required. It is unconfirmed whether this bug is emulator-only or not.
Tomb Camera Softlock
In Tomb's interior, jumping from the highest spot after getting the crate can softlock your camera in such a way that you are either forced to respawn or exit to Scare Island. This happens if you accidentally skip standing on the trigger that locks your camera into a "2D" view for the climbing section.
Disappearing Ooze
In City Park, it's possible for green ooze from trash cans to disappear. It's unclear if the ooze is warped somewhere instead of completely disappearing.
Marketplace Crate Clip
In Marketplace, it's possible for a falling crate to clip the player out of the map, forcing the player to restart the level.
Pyramid Hover
In Pyramid, if you jump to the void and successfully jump out of it, Mike will be stuck slowly hovering in air. The bug is corrected when taking damage from an enemy.
Clipping with Nerves
It's possible to clip into anything when scaring nerves. The video below shows Mike clipping into the park bench and getting stuck in it.
Ooze count
The counter jumps from 98 to 0, thus giving you an extra life every 99 cans. But the full 100 is still needed to get the scare meter to max.
Drifting Box
If you grab one of the boxes at the beginning of 'The Tomb' and then walk into an enemy, on occasion, the physics for the box being dropped will not register correctly and the box will begin to drift off at high speed in a straight line away from you, registering no collision and being able to quickly drift through the walls and the floor. The only solution assuming you have a box to pick up at all meaning you haven't entered the tomb itself yet is to reload the level.