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Bugs:Ecco the Dolphin (Sega Master System)

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This page details bugs of Ecco the Dolphin (Sega Master System).

NPC Dolphin Animation Bugs

Ecco the Dolphin SMS NPC Bug.png

Holding up or a diagonal direction while Ecco's nose is poking out the water's surface causes animation issues with NPC dolphins, either locking them into a static frame or scrambling their tiles as they animate.

Pteranodon Glitch

By getting the pteranodon to overlap with a splash at the water's surface, the game will glitch out and the first audio channel will be frozen. This effect remains for the rest of the game until the credits.

Attract demo desynch

The first attract demo featuring the level Undercaves does not play out correctly on real PAL hardware. The inputs cause Ecco to repeatedly hurt himself and swim into walls. The actual intended behaviour can be seen in an emulator running at 60Hz, which will show Ecco proceeding through the level in a normal manner. Presumably the developers forgot to re-record the demo for 50Hz speed.