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Blue Archive

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Title Screen

Blue Archive

Developer: Nexon Co. Ltd.
Publishers: Nexon Co. Ltd. (INT), Yostar[1] (CN/JP)
Platforms: iOS, Android
Released internationally: November 8, 2021
Released in JP: February 4, 2021
Released in CN: August 3, 2023

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something
This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!

Placeholder Graphics

Ba Gacha Banner Dummy Kr.png

File Name: Gacha_Banner_Dummy_Kr

Lesson Tutorial Screen

Bluearchive Information Dummy 01.png

File Name: Information_Dummy_01

A placeholder tutorial screen for Lessons. Only a Korean language version is present.

Korean Translated
시청각실 AV Room
전술병기 운용 기록 열람 View tactical weapons operation records
참가 학생 Participating students
학생이 좋아하는 스케줄을 진행해
호감도를 획득하자!
Let’s earn favorability by carrying out a lesson that students like!
Korean Translated
호감도를 획득하면 인연 랭크가 UP! When you gain favorability, your relationship rank goes UP!

Pyroxene Shop Art

Bluearchive Img Shop Gem 1 Dummy.png

File Name: Img_Shop_Gem_1_Dummy

Event Icon

Bluearchive Event QuickBanner CollectionCG 60000.png

File Name: Img_Shop_Gem_1_Dummy

The Event Collection icon for the Summer Sky's Wishlist event, with the text "60000 Dummy" superimposed on it. The ID 60000 is used for the Balancing Schale's Books with the General Student Council mini-event, though that does not have an Event Collection. This graphic was likely a placeholder for that mini-event's icon.

Gift Icon

Bluearchive dummygifticon.png

File Name: Item_Icon_Favor_Dummy

A placeholder gift icon.

Unused Graphics

Hidden Watermark

Bluearchive sazusa watermark.png

In the portrait graphics for Azusa (Swimsuit) is a watermark for pngtree, a website that provides stock images, at least one of which was presumably used to create Azusa (Swimsuit)'s portrait.

Millennium Student


Normal No Glasses
Ba millenniumstudent glasses.png Ba millenniumstudent noglasses.png

The spectacled Millennium student, who most notably appears as an antagonist in the On Your Mark @ Millennium event story, is unique for being one of the only mob students whose in-game portrait features visible eyes, though they are mostly obscured behind her glasses. These glasses, however, are a separate layer of her sprite, revealing her fully-drawn eyes if manually hidden. At no point in the game does she not wear her glasses.

Unused Dialogue


File Name Audio Translation
Thank you!
Please come again later, Sensei.

Two lines of dialogue that Sora would have said when you exit the Shop. Sora doesn't say anything when this happens in the game, likely to make exiting the shop less tedious.

Revisional Differences

Version 1.63.277251

Released April 30, 2024. [2]

Kotama Gacha Dialogue

Old New
Audio Translation Audio Translation
Millennium Academy, Otose Kotama. I came here because I heard Sensei's voice.
Millennium Science School student, Otose Kotama. I came here because I heard Sensei's voice.

Kotama's recruitment dialogue was rerecorded to give the correct name of her school, "Millennium Science School", as opposed to "Millennium Academy" (JP: "Mireniamu Gakuen").

Nagusa Portrait

Old New
BA Nagusa Portrait Old.png BA Nagusa Portrait New.png

Nagusa was given an entirely new portrait with additional expressions to accomodate her increased presence in the story. It may also have been edited to make her depicted height more reasonable as - using her real-world Type 38 Arisaka rifle as a point of reference, and compared to her new portrait - her old portrait makes her seem unusually tall. [3] [4]

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Version 1.63.286079

Monster MAX

The English name of Hare's favorite energy drink was silently changed from "Monster MAX" to "Frenzy MAX", and the beverage itself was given a new logo, most likely to avoid any legal squabbles with the highly litigious Monster Beverage Company. The English name was a direct translation of the Japanese name "Yōkai MAX". It was likely changed in English due to sharing a brand name and having a logo clearly and plainly derived from the real-world beverage, also being comprised of three vertical claw marks.

The new appearance for the in-game beverage removes the three claw marks and vertically centers the "MAX" label. The revised appearance could be seen on the in-game Notice page during the New Year March event.

Before After
Ba Event01 Hare.PNG
Ba monstermax newlogo.png

However, the old logo was not removed from Hare's loading screen ("Grievances of a Hacker"), which features several Monster MAX cans:

Ba LoadingImage hare monstercans.png

Additionally, Hare (Camp), a character added in this same update, still holds a Monster MAX can with the old logo in both her dangle animation and battle start animation:

Ba-chare-dangle-monstermax.png Ba-hare-battlestart-monstermax.png

Ba CH0233 Prop can.png
