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Bloons Card Storm/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Bloons Card Storm.

Placeholder card artwork

Many cards have placeholder art that were found within the prototype builds of the game, and were replaced or modified before the game's release, although a few of them remained in the files of the final release. Some of the placeholder art can be seen in early developer build screenshots.

Full artwork Icon Name Notes
Bloonscardstorm prototype card ArcaneMastery.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card ArcaneMastery Icon.png Arcane Master
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BananaFarm.png Banana Farm
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BananaPlantation.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card BananaPlantation Icon.png Banana Plantation Appears as three Banana Plantations from Bloons TD 6 placed in front of one another.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BedTime.png Bed Time
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BFB.png BFB
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BionicBoomerang.png Bionic Boomerang
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BlackBloon.png Black Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BladeMaelstrom.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card Blademaelstrom Icon.png Blade Maelstrom
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BloonEmbiggen.png Bloon Embiggen
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BloonStrike.png Bloon Strike
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BloontoniumCache.png Bloontonium Cache
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BlueBloon.png Blue Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BolsteredBloon.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card BolsteredBloon Icon.png Bolstered Bloon There are two icon images of Bolstered Bloon with different file names: BolsteredBloon Icon.png and GrowBloon Icon.png.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BouncingBullets.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card BouncingBullets Icon.png Bouncing Bullet The card was internally referred to as BouncingBullets, unlike in the final release where it's referred to as BouncingBullet.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card FriendlyBloon.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card FriendlyBloon Icon.png Buddy Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card BurnyStuff.png Burny Stuff Mortar
Bloonscardstorm prototype card CashDrop.png Cash Drop
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SupplyDropMonkey.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card SupplyDropMonkey Icon.png Cash Drop Sniper
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Ceasefire.png Ceasefire
Bloonscardstorm prototype card CeramicBloon.png Ceramic Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card CripplingSniperMonkeyIllustration.png Crippling Sniper
Bloonscardstorm prototype card CrossbowMonkey.png Crossbow Monkey
Bloonscardstorm prototype card DarkChampion.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card DarkChampion Icon.png Dark Champion An unfinished version of the final Dark Champion card artwork. The monkey is missing a mouth and a dark blade, there is a lot less lighting, there are fewer stars, the moon is full instead of crescent, three pillars are missing, and the pillars in general lack detail.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card DoubleTrouble.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card DoubleTrouble Icon.png Double Trouble Interestingly, the design of the card art features a Double Bloon, a Bloon property found on multiple bloon types.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card DrainingBloon.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card DrainingBloon Icon.png Draining Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Druid.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card Druid Icon.png Druid
Bloonscardstorm prototype card EliteDefender.png Elite Defender
Bloonscardstorm prototype card ExpertNegotiator.png Expert Negotiator
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Firestorm.png Firestorm
Bloonscardstorm prototype card ForMyNextTrick.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card ForMyNextTrick Icon.png For My Next Trick A sketch of two monkeys pointing at a rabbit out of a magic hat. The art's design references the Two Soyjaks Pointing meme.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card FortifyIluustration.png Fortify
Bloonscardstorm prototype card GlaiveRicochet.png Glaive Ricochet
Bloonscardstorm prototype card GlueStorm.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card GlueStorm Icon.png Glue Storm
Bloonscardstorm prototype card GoldenBloon.png Golden Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card GreenBloon.png Green Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card GrowthSporeBloon.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card GrowthSporeBloon Icon.png Growth Gas Bloon According to the file name, the card was originally conceived as Growth Spore Bloon.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card HasteningBloon.png Hastening Bloon Simply the prototype Delay icon over a generic gray background.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card HealingBloon.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card HealingBloon Icon.png Healing Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card HeartOfVengeanceIllustration.png Heart of Vengeance Druid Apart from the gray borders, there are a few differences the card art has from the final version, mainly on shadow spots and the details at the edges of the art.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card HeroProtection.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card HeroProtection Icon.png Hero Protection
Bloonscardstorm prototype card ImprovedFortification.png Improved Fortification
Bloonscardstorm prototype card ManaShield.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card ManaShield Icon.png Mana Shield
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Marketplace.png Marketplace
Bloonscardstorm prototype card MoabIllustration.png MOAB
Bloonscardstorm prototype card MoabStrike.png MOAB Strike Uses a similar graphic from the Bloon Strike prototype art except the background is gray, the graphic is positioned near the center, the lightning graphic is smaller, and the top half of the lightning graphic is cut off with an image of a MOAB from Bloons TD 6's iMessage stickers placed over it.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card MonkeyVillage.png Monkey Village
Bloonscardstorm prototype card MortarMonkey.png Mortar Monkey
Bloonscardstorm prototype card NaturesClarity.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card NaturesClarity Icon.png Nature's Clarity
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Necromancer.png Necromancer
Bloonscardstorm prototype card NestedBlue.png Nested Blue
Bloonscardstorm prototype card NestedGreen.png Nested Green
Bloonscardstorm prototype card NestedYellow.png Nested Yellow
Bloonscardstorm prototype card PackProtection.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card PackProtection Icon.png Pack Protection
Bloonscardstorm prototype card PartingGift.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card PartingGift Icon.png Parting Gift
Bloonscardstorm prototype card PinkBloon.png Pink Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Totem.png Powerful Slowing Totem
Bloonscardstorm prototype card PrinceOfDarkness.png Prince of Darkness Nearly identical to the final version, with the only differences being the background not shifted right by one pixel (and showing the 1-pixel wide white border at the left as a result), slightly adjusted positions of the Undead Bloons, and a slightly thinner outline on the Monkey.
Bloonscardstorm prototype card QuickBreak.png Quick Break
Bloonscardstorm prototype card QuickReady.png Quick Ready
Bloonscardstorm prototype card RainbowBloon.png Rainbow Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card RapidShot.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card RapidShot Icon.png Rapid Shot
Bloonscardstorm prototype card RedBloonIllustration.png Red Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card RedBloonStorm.png Red Bloon Storm
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Lycherally.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card Lycherally Icon.png Reinflated
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Restock.png Restock
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SharpshooterMonkey.png Sharp Shooter
Bloonscardstorm prototype card ShieldSporeBloon.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card ShieldSporeBloon Icon.png Shield Gas Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Shrink.png Shrink
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SniperMonkey.png Sniper Monkey
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SpikeOPult.png Spike-o-Pult
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SteadyGrowthBloon CardArt.png Steady Growth Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card StickyBomb.png Sticky Bomb
Bloonscardstorm prototype card StormOf Arrows.png Storm Of Arrows
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Stunned.png Stunned
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SunTemple.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card SunTemple Icon.png Sun Temple
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SuperMonkeyFanClub.png Super Monkey Fan Club
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SuperMonkeyStorm.png Super Monkey Storm
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SupplyDrop.png Supply Drop
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SwarmBlueBloon.png Swarm Blue Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SwarmGreenBloon.png Swarm Green Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SwarmRedBloon.png Swarm Red Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card SwarmYellowBloon.png Swarm Yellow Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card TackShooter.png Tack Shooter
Bloonscardstorm prototype card TackSprayer.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card TackSprayer Icon.png Tack Sprayer
Bloonscardstorm prototype card TheBigOne.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card TheBigOne Icon.png The Big One
Bloonscardstorm prototype card ToxicGreen.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card ToxicGreen Icon.png Toxic Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card TripleShot.png Triple Shot
Bloonscardstorm prototype card UndeadBloon.png Undead Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card UndeadMOAB.png Undead MOAB
Bloonscardstorm prototype card VolatileBloon.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card VolatileBloon Icon.png Volatile Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card WallOfTrees.png Wall Of Trees
Bloonscardstorm prototype card WallOfFire.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card WallOfFire Icon.png Wall of Fire Monkey
Bloonscardstorm prototype card WhiteBloon.png White Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Whoops.png Whoops
Bloonscardstorm prototype card MonkeyApprentice.png Wizard Monkey
Bloonscardstorm prototype card Wolf.png Bloonscardstorm prototype card wolf Icon.png Wolf
Bloonscardstorm prototype card YellowBloon.png Yellow Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card ZebraBloons.png Zebra Bloon
Bloonscardstorm prototype card ZOMG.png ZOMG