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Bionicle (PlayStation 2)/Unused Textures

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This is a sub-page of Bionicle (PlayStation 2).

Tahu Mata (10-00.pss)

Early HUD

BTG-TahuMataPortrait.png BTG-TahuMataName.png BTG-20-00-EarlyHud3.png BTG-20-00-EarlyHud4.png BTG-20-00-EarlyHud5.png BTG-TahuEnergy.png

Textures from an earlier HUD variant. Includes a unique energy color, portrait, and name.

Mask Pickup Overlay

BTG-MaskPickupOverlay.png BTG-MaskPickupOverlayEnergy.png

Textures for the scrapped mask counter overlay, which would increment every time a mask was collected.

Lewa Nuva (20-00.pss)

Lewa Charge Symbol

BTG-20-00-ChargeSymbol1.png BTG-20-00-ChargeSymbol2.png

Textures from the scrapped charge symbol mechanic seen in some early trailers.

Lewa Mata Axe

BTG-20-00-LewaMataAxe1.png BTG-20-00-LewaMataAxe2.png BTG-20-00-LewaMataAxe3.png

Although not entirely unused in-game (see Panrahk boss), Lewa Nuva doesn't use them.

Early HUD

BTG-20-00-EarlyHud1.png BTG-20-00-EarlyHud2.png BTG-20-00-EarlyHud3.png BTG-20-00-EarlyHud4.png BTG-20-00-EarlyHud5.png BTG-20-00-EarlyHud6.png

Textures from an earlier HUD variant. Note the unique portrait energy color, and name.

Mask Pickup Overlay

BTG-MaskPickupOverlay.png BTG-MaskPickupOverlayEnergy.png

These are from the scrapped mask counter overlay, which would increment when you picked up a mask.