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Battle Konchuuden

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Title Screen

Battle Konchuuden

Developer: Jaleco
Publisher: Jaleco
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: January 21, 1999

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
DummyIcon.png This game has unusual dummy files.

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Debug Menu

Battle Konchuden Character Viewer.pngBattle Konchuden Sound Test.png

Use the following code, after that, press a certain button to display a debug menu.

801EF9E6 0001
D007B370 0001
800E712C 0001
D007B370 0002
800E712C 0100
D007B370 000C
800E712C 0000
D007B370 000C
300E7134 0001
  • L2: Character Viewer.
  • R2: Sound Test.
  • L1 + R1: Exit the menu.
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Source Code

DUMMY.DAT is a zip file containing the entire game's source code, complete with Japanese comments. Curiously enough, the game's working title is listed in the source files as "INSECT POKEMON". It also includes the original TIM files for much of the game's artwork.

(Source: Normmatt)