Alice: Madness Returns/Unused Animations
This is a sub-page of Alice: Madness Returns.
Early Alice Liddell
Surprisingly, this early model of Alice contains quite a lot of unique animations for it.
Basic Animation Set
This set includes basic movement animations.
Alice_Idle: Idle animation.
Alice_Jump_Fall: Landing animation.
Alice_Jump_Fall01: Falling animation.
Alice_Jump_Run_Fall: Falling after running.
Alice_Jump_Run_Land: Landing after running.
Alice_Jump_Run_Start: Starting to run.
Alice_Jump_Start: Starting to jump.
Alice_Run: Running animation.
Alice_RunBreak_L: Stop running, left.
Alice_RunBreak_R: Stop running, right.
Alice_Turn90Left_NoRotaion: Turning 90 degrees to the left.
Alice_Turn90Right_NoRotaion: Turning 90 degrees to the right.
Alice_Walk: Walking animation.
Combat Animation Set
This set includes combat-related animations.
Alice_beGrab_Begin: Being grabbed by an enemy.
Alice_beGrab_Interrupted: Avoiding being grabbed.
Alice_beGrab_Loop: Struggling after being grabbed.
Alice_Combat_Attack01: Attacking.
Alice_Combat_Attack01_F: Failing an attack.
Alice_Combat_Attack02: Attacking.
Alice_Combat_Attack02_F: Failing an attack.
Alice_Combat_Attack03: Attacking.
Alice_Combat_Backward: Walking backwards while in combat.
Alice_Combat_Forward: Walking forward while in combat.
Alice_Combat_Idle: Idle while in combat.
Alice_Combat_StrafLeft: Strafing left.
Alice_Combat_StrafLeft: Strafing right.
Alice_DollBoy_LP_Attack: Cinematic animation for an encounter with a scrapped enemy, Doll Boy.
Movement Animation Set
Includes world and object interactions, as well as special movement animations.
Alice_Crate_Pull: Pulling a crate.
Alice_Crate_Push: Pushing a crate.
Alice_Crate_Ready: Ready to push/pull a crate.
Alice_Crawl_Backward: Crawling backwards.
Alice_Crawl_Forward: Crawling forward.
Alice_Crawl_Idle: Crawling Idle.
Alice_HB_Idle: Idle while holding onto a pole.
Alice_HB_Jumpforward_C: Jumping onto a pole.
Alice_HB_Jumpforward_D: Jumping from a pole.
Alice_HB_Jumpforward_F: Jumping onto a pole.
Alice_HB_Start_C: Jumping onto a pole.
Alice_HB_Start_D: Jumping onto a pole.
Alice_HB_Start_F: Holding onto a pole.
Alice_HB_StrafeLeft: Strafing left while holding on a pole.
Alice_HB_StrafeRight: Strafing right while holding on a pole.
Alice_HB_Turn: Turning while holding on a pole.