A Hat in Time (Windows, Mac OS X)/Modding Tools Content/Unused Voices
This is a sub-page of A Hat in Time (Windows, Mac OS X)/Modding Tools Content.
The final game features a healthy amount of voice acting, but the amount of voice files found in the game's Modding Tools reveal the game was going to be far more vocal than it ended up being.
There's a lot of lines here.
General Characters
Hat Kid
Hat Kid Oh hi there! |
Mustache Girl
Mustache Girl Now it's MY turn! |
Badge Seller
Do you like... this?
How about... this?
Badge Seller does not comment at all when you select an item to purchase.
Come to me, young one.
Alternate greetings that didn't get used.
A cheap price, just for you.
The purchase has been made.
Thank you, young one.
The deal has been sealed.
Badge Seller also does not comment when you make a purchase.
I acquire currency. You acquire... immense power.
Spitting true facts, here.
Hat Adult
Thanks. See you tomorrow.
The single line Hat Adult has, and the same one she spoke at the scrapped Winter Bookstore in the Alpha and Beta builds.
Chapter 1
Mafia Mobster
Mafia Mobster You think you big deal? Ha! Mafia is biggest deal. |
Mafia Boss
Lines that, according to the file name, would be used with his spin attack during the boss fight somehow.
Cooking Cat
Although you would need a key for that. I think one of the Mafia might have it. Tell you what. I bet if you pour them a hot cup of cocoa, they might be kind enough to lend you their key.
Huh? You wanna break into the theater to talk to the Mafia Boss?
Sorry, no can do. You would need to enter through the main door, and it's totally blocked. The only other way would be through the ventilation shafts.
You got the key? Great! Just head to the freezer. There's a vent there you can use.
Lines about the original method the player would use to obtain the key to the freezer. These had localization in the initial release of the game.
Uh... why are you wearing a mask of my face?
This also had localization in the initial release. The mask Cooking Cat is talking about is still a mystery.
Aren't you gonna try out building your relic?
A line most likely intended for talking to Cooking Cat again after she instructs you on how to assemble relics.
Well done! I wonder what that purple ball was. It's a Time Rift, you say?
A line intended for after you assemble a relic, given that she's commenting on the purple rift that appears around the telescope when one is assembled. Might've been disabled because you can technically assemble a relic for a room you haven't unlocked yet, in which case the purple rift won't technically appear yet. It would be weird for her to comment on something the player potentially didn't see.
Two unused mumble lines.
You can do it, kid!
Woo, or whatever!
Lines of the Tourist cheering, most likely both for Hat Kid. Unknown purpose, but could've been intended for the finale.
Kinda hoping we pass close by an island or something soon. I need something to take pictures of.
A single unused line meant for The Arctic Cruise. Unknown purpose, but it has localization for it.
Mafia Robo/Rumbi
Mafia Robo was a character that only appeared in the game's Beta builds. They are nowhere to be seen in the final game, and some of their voiced lines were repurposed for Rumbi, Hat Kid's personal rumba. Only the lines that fit Rumbi were used, leaving most unused. All of the lines were used in the Beta; none were left out.
I always start my morning with a heaping helping of gears for breakfast.
Please give me all of your things. The Mafia requires it.
Keep walking.
I hear the Mafia leader makes the best cannolis. If only I had taste buds. Or a mouth.
Oh, how I love to take your stuff!
The Mafia are my favorite people. They are great company.
Move along.
There is nothing to see here.
This property is confiscated.
I am confiscating your property.
Any possessions you own, will own, and have owned, now belong to... Mafia!
What a lovely weather... for Mafia!
Your inventory is now claimed by the Mafia. Please hand it over!
Oh. I'm sorry. I did not realize that girls could also have facial hair.
Idle lines.
Somebody! Anybody! Help me! Help me!
Oh no! She's on to us!
Abort mission!
Come on! It was just a joke!
I'm outta here!
See ya!
Running away/fleeing.
Please, not the monitor!
Please stay away...!
Being attacked.
Chapter 2
Conductor Rev up those engines! We got a lass ta kill! |
DJ Grooves
DJ Grooves Trophy will be ours, darling! |
Express Owls
Express Owls You can do it, Conductor! |
Moon Penguins
Moon Penguins Wow! Is that the diva? |
I wonder if this new world has bird insurance.
A line for the receptionist waiting in line at the finale. The localization for this was present in the initial release of the game.
Phone Guy
Don't forget to check out Dead Bird Studio.
A reminder to check out Dead Bird Studio, possibly intended for if the player does not immediately check out the finale for Chapter 2 and comes back later.
(chuckles nervously)
Purpose unknown.
Guess you got me good, huh, darling? It seems no one can stage a murder while you're around.
DJ Grooves on the other end, suggesting this was meant for when the player picked Mother Maiden for the ending of Murder on the Owl Express. In the final game, the player cannot talk to him after the Time Piece appears.
I can't believe that angry little girl detached my pay phone from its stand and lifted it here! How am I even supposed to take a number? No hands!
That red little girl just needs to get lost and let me do my sinister plotting in peace.
Good luck, kid.
Lines for the finale, implicating the phone itself was meant to be waiting in line at the start of the level.
You can do it, kid.
Probably intended for waiting in line at the finale, after having already talked to him.
Get lost!
Phone Guy even has a line for the final boss cutscene! This definitely would've changed the mood of the scene.
Crow Agents
Unused mumble lines.
I asked him about his least favorite body part.
He said he was ashamed of his (mumbling).
You should have seen his ugly (mumbling).
The little boy had the ugliest (mumbling).
Lines for the Crows talking about their inquiries into the player, but referring to them as a "he" and "boy" instead. These lines were recorded to support Timmy, the original Coop Mode character before he was replaced by Bow Kid.
But you'd better get your (mumbling) checked out by a doctor. I read online that your (mumbling) could become infected with bird flu.
The alternate line that still has localization for it in the final game.
Why, hello, fellow space-traveling child. I am also space-traveling child. I do much space travel.
From one space-traveling child to another, we can share details, yes? What's the secret of the Time Pieces?
Why, yes! Of course! And as a fellow space-traveling child, I of course know what means and entails.
As a token of appreciation, please take this item, which is surely of value for us space-traveling children.
I must be off. Us space-traveling children are always on the run. It was nice meeting a fellow space-traveling child.
All of the lines for the scrapped appearance of the Crows aboard the spaceship. The localization for these was present in the initial release of the game.
As a fellow space-traveling child, I do not understand how a man in a jar can live without organs and body parts.
It perplexes and confuses me. But I am enticed to figure out the answer. Such is the life of a space-traveling child, such as myself.
Comments on Mafia Jar aboard the ship.
Hello, fellow space-traveling child. As a space-traveling child myself, I am clumsy and forgetful. I seem to have forgotten the combination to this giant vault of ours.
I know. It is very clumsy of me. Can you remind me of the combination? ...No?
More spaceship comments.
Chapter 3
Oh no.
I totally just dropped this cherry bomb.
You think I'm stupid enough to give you bombs?
Lines for the scrapped segment of the Snatcher boss fight, where he fakes giving you a cherry bomb to taunt you.
This particular "FOOOOOOOOOL" line from Snatcher just wasn't used.
Oh. So you refuse to die, kiddo?
We'll see about that.
Did you think our business was over? Nonsense!
Complete my new contracts, and I'll reward you handsomely.
Of course, if you die...
...your soul will belong to me.
Still feeling confident, kid? Then let's make a deal.
These are the lines Snatcher spoke during the unveiling trailer for DLC 1's Death Wish Mode. None of them were actually used in-game. Interestingly, these appear to be different takes from what was actually used in the trailer.
Complete my new contracts, and I'll reward you.
There's also a variation of the fifth line above, which omits the "handsomely" part of the line.
You know you don't need to do that, right, kid? This isn't one of those games that tries to make you feel bad.
Intended for the Bird Sanctuary Death Wish, as a line that would play when the player dies from a bird dying.
Whoa! Slow down, kid! You haven't even beaten the normal version of that yet. Come back later... and I'll be waiting.
A voiced line for the text the player gets from Snatcher in the final game's Death Wish Mode if they try to select a Death Wish for an act they haven't cleared normally yet.
This looks like it's getting loaded onboard, right? Right, kid?
A voiced line for an unused line in the final game, which still has localization for it. This is meant for The Arctic Cruise, as the last line Snatcher would say when speaking to him down at the docks.
Did you know this cruise ship has a strict policy against stealing souls? It's ridiculous! I should sue.
This captain guy is great! His dead eyes and musty smell reminds me of home.
Whoops! I just accidentally ordered 100 drinks. And how did those babies get loose? Clumsy me!
Conversations about the SS Literally Can't Sink with Snatcher, likely intended as a special conversation for the Cruisin' for a Bruisin' Death Wish. In the final, the Death Wish has no special conversations upon idling for a short time.
Those seals are accident-prone and incapable of performing the most basic tasks. And yet, they'd still be better at this than you.
Likely intended for dying during the aforementioned Death Wish.
Subcon Noose
You can do it. I believe in you and your neck.
Enter the castle and save us all.
Two lines indicating that the nooses from Subcon Forest would be in line at the start of the finale.
Fire Spirits
Why am I here?
Where is my bonfire?
The red girl took my paintings!
Lines intended for the finale, likely for Fire Spirits waiting in line at the start.
Queen Vanessa
(sniffing) I can smell you. I can feel your fear. You don't have anything to fear. Now, why don't we have a little talk?
A line originally used in an old trailer from around the Prototype era of development. She would originally have said this soon after the level started.
You come when a queen calls you.
A line meant for when she was roaming around. For whatever reason, it was commented-out in her class file in all known builds of the game that include her.
Chapter 4
The Nomads have a single unused line: a mumble line, that wasn't used for one reason or another.
The Sandworm was a character created for Sand 'n Sails. He was a merchant that, according to these leftover lines, would frequently bug the player to buy his merchandise. Ultimately, as the chapter transformed into Alpine Skyline, Sandworm no longer had a place in the level, and was scrapped as well. These voice lines can only be found in versions of the Modding Tools prior to DLC 1's release. The voice actor for Sandworm would end up voicing Fish Dude in The Arctic Cruise. It should be noted that none of these lines have any localization in any known build of the game. Sandworm was also never seen in any screenshots or footage of Sand 'n Sails, implying he may never have been implemented into the level proper.
A whole slew of mumble lines.
Dude! This merch I'm selling is OUT... OF... THIS... WORLD!
Hey, bro! Buy something!
Hey dude, I know us worms can be tough about selling merch. But this is our life now, man.
We're done eating people. We need job security too, bro. Just like everyone else.
Whassup, my man? Get a load of this merch, dude!
Yo, dude! You gotta try out this radical merch, man!
Yo, dude! Check out this merch.
Hey, bro! Don't you want to buy some SWEET merch?
Lines pushing the player to buy something from him. As for what he sold, that's a total mystery.
Yo, bro, watch out! Don't get your grease all over my goods, dude!
Dude! Only look! No touching, man.
He wouldn't be happy if the player touched him, apparently.
Hey, man! That's not cool! Don't knock into me!
He would also get mad if the player bonked into him, it seems.
Yo dude, I know I've been annoying you with my SWEET merch, but you've gotta go into that castle, man.
Go into the castle and save us, dude!
Sandworm even got lines for waiting outside in the finale!
Chapter 6
Cruise Seals
For some unexplained reason, every single character introduced in The Arctic Cruise does not support the Mumble Badge in-game. Each character had mumble lines recorded, but none were set up to be used in-game at all.
Hewwo! The captain said you could take something. Thewe's something vewy shiny in there today.
A line intended to spoke by one of the Seals at the lobby desk after clearing Ship Shape but before grabbing the Time Piece. The localization for this line still exists in the final game.
The captain is VEWY messy, but he wowks vewy hawd steewing the ship.
We wove him wots and wots!
Like the previous, these are lines also intended for Ship Shape, but for before clearing Ship Shape. Localization for these still exist in the final game.
Hewwo! If you want a wefund, I'm supposed to say we don't give them.
But that's mean! Wefunds fow evewyone! Hooway!
Lines intended for Rock the Boat after rescuing the Captain. Localization for these also still exist in the final game.
The seals humming and singing to themselves. The last one is a version of the track that plays when starting a new game.
Uh-oh! Thewe's pudding evewywhewe! Pwease watch your step.
A line intended for a Seal in the kitchen. This line explains that the brown stuff on the floor is in fact pudding, not mud. Localization for this is still in the final game.
So noisy!
A seal whining about it being noisy. Purpose unknown.
Up, thank you.
Ouchie ow!
Oh no!
A whole bunch of minor lines that could've worked in multiple situations.
Cruise Captain
Once again, mumble lines were recorded, but weren't used in the final game. Why?
What's the status?
What do you want?
Check in?
Purpose unknown.
Well, pup, I guess I owe you a thanks.
The first line of an older conversation with him after rescuing him in Rock the Boat. It has localization still in the final game.
I can get another ship. Maybe hire a crew that isn't so... incompetent. Or annoying.
Anyway, I can't give out refunds, but I did have one more of those things you seem to be chasing down.
It's in the other boat, I think. It's all yours, pup.
Unused lines meant for an older version of his conversation after you rescue him in Rock the Boat.
Let me go down with the ship!
Just let me drown, pup.
These lines also have localization leftover in the final. He would say these while carrying him to safety.
Minor lines that could've been used in multiple places.
Are we ready?
Ready to sail?
An older version of his cinematic shot at the start of Act 1. The line is divided in two, he says "ready" twice, and there's no Seal noises at the end of the second one.
Fish Dude
Aw, dude!
Oh, hey!
Oh, man.
Oh wow!
Sick, dude!
What's up?
Fish Dude has whole bunch of unused throwaway lines, not seeming to have any specific purpose.
Oh, man! All that power! Wow! Heheh.
Purpose and context unknown.
Whoa! Just don't put me in a can. Heheheh.
Most likely a line intended for when you pick him up in Act 3.
Like the Seals and Captain, Fish Dude had mumble lines recorded, but they weren't used in-game. For some reason.
Like the rest of the characters introduced in The Arctic Cruise, Shocktopus does not use his mumble lines in-game.
Chapter 7
Metro Cats
Are you lost, kid? You should ask the help desk if you're looking for something.
A cat telling the player to check out the help desk if they're lost.
(groans) Can you leave me alone, please? I'm waiting for a train.
Simple dialogue.
Watch where you walk, kid. Some of the manholes around here feel like they'd move if you stepped too hard.
A hint about the manholes.
The gates here are set up pretty weird.
You need the blue AND yellow tickets to get through here.
A hint for a location in Metro that needs two different tickets to access.
Unknown purpose.
Double theta!
Nine. Well done.
Each of these is worth more than most would earn in a lifetime.
As for you... well... you're more than most. Here's your cut.
Well? Back to work, then.
Voiced lines for the scrapped 9th Time Piece. Localization for this is still in the final game.
I hope you're not claustrophobic. Bluefin again, but look for a manhole this time.
A voiced line for the scrapped Bluefin Manhole, likely intended to be the 9th Time Piece mentioned above. Localization for this is still in the final game.
There's a second tunnel in Pink Paw. Search the place.
The line for the mysterious extra tunnel meant for Pink Paw Station. Localization is still in the final game.
Welcome... to Nyakuza Metro.
Welcome back.
Two lines of Empress welcoming the player to the Metro. In the final, she never welcomes you anywhere.
Keep running, child. You're far from home.
An alternate version of the last announcement during Rush Hour. In the final, she says "you're not home yet".
They're a lot harder to get rid of than you are.
An alternate take on one of the lines during the confrontation at the end of Rush Hour.
They're a lot harder to get rid of than you are. They're a lot harder to get rid of than you are.
A voice line for the voice actress for Empress trying out two different deliveries of the previous line.
Ugh! Ooh! Agh! Ngh! Wah! Wagh! (groaning, yowling)
Empress making a whole bunch of grunts and whining sounds, almost like she's in pain. The player possibly, at one point, actually fought Empress during Rush Hour. Or was perhaps able to damage or stun her in some way.
An individual version of the hiss Empress makes when you attack her. In the final, it's combined into a sound with the sound effects for getting hit by her attack as well.
Metro Food Announcer
The announcer that reads out funny lines for the food you buy from food stalls in Nyakuza Metro has a handful of unused lines, most of them relating to food combos.
You've got a combo.
You've made a combo.
Two lines for getting a food combo.
Well done.
See you next time.
See you next time!