AMF Bowling 2004
AMF Bowling 2004 |
Developer: Black Market Games
AMF Bowling 2004 is the first in a series of bowling titles published by Zenimax's budget gaming label Mud Duck Productions. Fun factː this game runs on the same engine and shares many assets with PBA Tour Bowling 2001, another bowling game from the same publisher.
Unused Text
Inside of rawdata.bin is a configuration file that was used for an older build of the game.
[Directories] Images = Menu Fonts = Fonts [Fonts] Large = berthold_med22 Small = cgothic_small50p Basic 0 = ABCDEFGHIJKLM Basic 1 = NOPQRSTUVWXYZ Basic 2 = 0123456789'.- Basic 3 = Space Basic 4 = Backspace [Meshes] Cursor = Pin Cursor Main Menu = Menu Main Count = 6 Split Menu = Menu Split Count = 6 [Strings] Team1 = Team 1 Team2 = Team 2 Empty = [EMPTY] Throw = Throw Aim = Aim Other Ball = Other Ball PinType0 = White Pins PinType1 = PBA ProPins VCR = VCR Scoreboard = Scoreboard Oil = Oil Enter Key = <Enter Key> Hook = Hook Hole Offset = Hole Offset Music Vol = Music Volume Detail Level= Detail Level Auto = Auto LoadingVer = Loading v1.09 Delete Ball? 1 = Are you sure you want to Delete Ball? 2 = delete this ball? Delete Ball? 3 = LINE THREE IS THE FILENAME Delete Player? 1 = Are you sure you want to Delete Player? 2 = delete this player? Delete Player? 3 = LINE THREE IS THE FILENAME Not RO Balls? 1 = You can not delete Not RO Balls? 2 = read-only balls! Not RO Players? 1 = You can not delete Not RO Players? 2 = read-only players! Leave Game? 2 = Leave PBA Bowling 2? Answer Yes = Yes Answer No = No Answer OK = OK [Offsets] Main Header X = -226 Edit Header X = -226 Main Header Y = 182 Edit Header Y = 182 Main Start X = -233 Edit Start X = -70 Edit Start Right X = -132 Main Start Y = 135 Edit Start Y = 158 Edit Start Right Y = 158 Main Spacing = 30 Edit Spacing = 22 Edit String Y = 120 Letter Pick Y = 40 //************************************************************************************ // MAIN MENU //************************************************************************************ [Text 0] Style = 0 Header = AMF Bowling 2004 Text 0 = Start New Game Text 1 = Create or Modify Bowlers Text 2 = Create or Modify Bowling Balls Text 3 = Game Options (not implemented) //Text 3 = Network Game //Text 4 = Game Options //Text 5 = Leave PBA Bowling 2001 //************************************************************************************ // EDIT BALLS //************************************************************************************ [Text 1] Style = 0 Header = Name Bowling Ball Edit = 1 Text 16 = Done [Text 2] Style = 1 Header = Edit Bowling Ball Text 0 = [BALL NAME] Text 1 = Change Texture Text 2 = Change Logo Text 3 = [SHELL TYPE] Text 4 = [HOOK] Text 5 = [HOLE] Text 6 = Save Ball Text 7 = Cancel //************************************************************************************ // NEW GAMES //************************************************************************************ [Text 3] Style = 0 Header = Start New Game Text 0 = Open Bowling Text 1 = Tournament Text 3 = Cancel [Text 4] Style = 0 Header = Open Bowling Text 0 = Regular Game Text 1 = Team Game Text 2 = Practice Text 4 = Cancel [Text 5] Style = 0 Header = Tournament Text 0 = Match Play Text 1 = Shootout Text 2 = Load Saved Game Text 4 = Cancel [Text 6] Style = 1 Header = Regular Game Split = 10 Text 0 = Change Center Text 1 = Human Amateur Text 2 = Human Pro Text 3 = Computer Amateur Text 4 = Computer Pro Text 5 = Create/Edit Bowler Text 6 = PIN TYPE Text 7 = FRAME COUNT Text 8 = Bowl Text 9 = Cancel Text 10 = [CENTER NAME] Flag 10 = 1 [Text 7] Style = 1 Header = Team Game Split = 11 Text 0 = Change Center Text 1 = Change Team Text 2 = Human Amateur Text 3 = Human Pro Text 4 = Computer Amateur Text 5 = Computer Pro Text 6 = Create/Edit Bowler Text 7 = PIN TYPE Text 8 = FRAME COUNT Text 9 = Bowl Text 10 = Cancel Text 11 = [CENTER NAME] Flag 11 = 1 Text 12 = [TEAM NUMBER] Flag 12 = 1 [Text 8] Style = 1 Header = Practice Game Split = 7 Text 0 = Change Center Text 1 = Human Amateur Text 2 = Human Pro Text 3 = Create/Edit Bowler Text 4 = PIN TYPE Text 5 = Bowl Text 6 = Cancel Text 7 = [CENTER NAME] Flag 7 = 1 //************************************************************************************ // EDIT BOWLERS //************************************************************************************ [Text 9] Style = 0 Header = Name Bowler Edit = 1 Text 16 = Done [Text 10] Style = 1 Header = Edit Bowler Text 0 = PLAYER NAME Text 1 = SEX Text 2 = HEIGHT Text 3 = GIRTH Text 4 = HAND Text 6 = Change Skin Text 7 = Change Hair Style Text 8 = Change Hair Color Text 9 = Change Facial Hair Text 10 = Change Glasses Text 11 = Change Shirt Text 12 = Change Pants Text 13 = Change Shoes Text 15 = Choose Strike Ball Text 16 = Strike Ball Weight Text 17 = Strike Ball Grips Text 18 = Choose Spare Ball Text 19 = Spare Ball Weight Text 20 = Spare Ball Grips Text 21 = Cancel Text 22 = Save //************************************************************************************ // PICK MENUS //************************************************************************************ [Text 11] Style = 1 Header = Pick Amateur Text 0 = Cancel [Text 12] Style = 1 Header = Pick Pro Text 0 = Cancel [Text 13] Style = 1 Header = Pick Ball Text 0 = Cancel [Text 14] Style = 1 Header = Pick Picture Text 0 = [No Picture] Text 1 = Cancel [Text 15] Style = 1 Header = Bowler Builder Text 0 = Cancel [Text 16] Style = 1 Header = Ball Builder Text 0 = Cancel [Text 17] Style = 1 Header = Remove/Pick Ball Text 0 = [Use Only One Ball] Text 1 = Cancel //************************************************************************************ // NETWORK MENUS //************************************************************************************ [Text 18] Style = 1 Header = Network Game Split = 4 Text 0 = [ENTER NAME] Text 1 = Create Text 2 = Show Sessions Text 3 = Cancel [Text 19] Style = 0 Header = Network Services Text 0 = IPX Text 1 = TCP/IP (LAN) Text 2 = TCP/IP (INTERNET) Text 3 = Modem Text 4 = Serial Text 5 = Go to Text 6 = Cancel [Text 20] Style = 0 Header = TCP/IP Configuration Text 0 = [ ENTER IP ADDRESS ] Text 1 = Ok Text 2 = Cancel [Text 21] Style = 1 Header = Modem Phone Number Split = 4 Text 0 = Change Modem Text 1 = Change Phone Number Text 2 = Ok Text 3 = Cancel Text 4 = Modem String Text 5 = Phone String [Text 22] Style = 1 Header = Serial Port Configuration Split = 7 Text 0 = Com Port Number Text 1 = Baud Rate Text 2 = Stop Bits Text 3 = Parity Text 4 = Flow Control Text 5 = Ok Text 6 = Cancel Text 7 = [COM PORT] Text 8 = [BAUD RATE] Text 9 = [STOP BITS] Text 10 = [PARITY] Text 11 = [FLOW CONTROL] [Text 23] Style = 0 Header = Error Text 12 = OK [Text 24] Style = 1 Header = Network Game Split = 13 Text 0 = Ready Text 1 = Cancel Text 2 = Go Chat Text 3 = Change Team Text 4 = Human Amateur Text 5 = Human Pro Text 6 = Computer Amateur Text 7 = Computer Pro Text 8 = Change Game Type Text 9 = Change Center Text 10 = Change Pin Type Text 11 = Change Frames Text 12 = Start Game //************************************************************************************ // GAME OPTIONS //************************************************************************************ [Text 25] Style = 1 Header = Game Options Split = 9 Text 0 = Graphics Flag 0 = 1 Text 1 = Shadows Text 2 = Environment Mapping Text 3 = Light Mapping Text 5 = MUSIC VOLUME Text 6 = Sound: Stereo Text 8 = Done Text 9 = Keyboard Controls Flag 9 = 1 Text 10 = [PRIMARY] Text 11 = [SECONDARY] Text 12 = [OTHER BALL] Text 13 = [INSTANT REPLAY] Text 14 = [SCOREBOARD] Text 15 = [OIL] //************************************************************************************ // IN-GAME MENUS //************************************************************************************ [Text 26] Style = 0 Header = Game Paused Text 0 = Resume Game Text 1 = Game Options (not implemented) Text 2 = Quit Game //************************************************************************************ // ASK A QUESTION //************************************************************************************ [Text 27] Style = 0 Header = Confirmation Text 0 = QUESTION LINE ONE Flag 0 = 1 Text 1 = QUESTION LINE TWO Flag 1 = 1 Text 2 = QUESTION LINE THREE Flag 2 = 1 Text 5 = ANSWER LINE ONE Text 6 = ANSWER LINE TWO //************************************************************************************ // TOURNAMENT MATCH PLAY //************************************************************************************ [Text 28] Style = 1 Header = Match Play Split = 10 Text 0 = Change Tournament Text 1 = Human Amateur Text 2 = Human Pro Text 3 = Create/Edit Bowler Text 4 = PIN TYPE Text 5 = FRAME COUNT Text 6 = 3 Qualifying Rounds Text 7 = 16 Qualifiers Text 8 = Bowl Text 9 = Cancel Text 10 = [CENTER NAME] Flag 10 = 1 //************************************************************************************ // TOURNAMENT SHOOTOUT //************************************************************************************ [Text 29] Style = 1 Header = Shootout Split = 8 Text 0 = Change Tournament Text 1 = Human Amateur Text 2 = Human Pro Text 3 = Create/Edit Bowler Text 4 = PIN TYPE Text 5 = FRAME COUNT Text 6 = Bowl Text 7 = Cancel Text 8 = [CENTER NAME] Flag 8 = 1 //************************************************************************************ // DIALUP //************************************************************************************ [Text 30] Style = 0 Header = Connect Status Text 5 = Cancel //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE BETHSOFT ZONE //************************************************************************************ [Text 31] Style = 0 Header = Text 0 = Help Text 1 = Services Text 2 = Go Play Text 3 = Disconnect //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE ENTER ROOM //************************************************************************************ [Text 32] Style = 0 Header = Enter Room Text 0 = Cancel Text 1 = Help Text 2 = View Stats Text 3 = Refresh //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE SELECT GAME //************************************************************************************ [Text 33] Style = 1 Header = Select Game Split = 5 Text 0 = Cancel Text 1 = Help Text 2 = Create Text 3 = Previous 10 games Text 4 = Next 10 games //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE GAME //************************************************************************************ [Text 34] Style = 1 Header = Game Split = 11 Text 0 = Help Text 1 = Leave Text 2 = Ready Text 3 = Start Text 4 = Player Text 5 = Player Text 7 = Player Text 7 = Player Text 8 = Player Text 9 = Player Text 10 = Player Text 11 = Games Played Flag 11 = 1 Text 12 = Wins Flag 12 = 1 Text 13 = Losses Flag 13 = 1 Text 14 = Ties Flag 14 = 1 Text 15 = Perfect Games Flag 15 = 1 Text 16 = Strikes Flag 16 = 1 Text 17 = Spares Flag 17 = 1 Text 18 = Splits Flag 18 = 1 Text 19 = Average Flag 19 = 1 //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE LOGIN AS //************************************************************************************ [Text 35] Style = 0 Header = Logon As Text 0 = [ENTER NAME] Text 1 = [ENTER PASSWORD] Text 2 = Ok Text 3 = Cancel //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE CREATE ACCOUNT //************************************************************************************ [Text 36] Style = 0 Header = Create New Account Text 0 = [ENTER NAME] Text 1 = [ENTER PASSWORD] Text 2 = Ok Text 3 = Cancel //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE NAME //************************************************************************************ [Text 37] Style = 0 Header = Enter Name Edit = 1 Text 16 = Done //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE PASSWORD //************************************************************************************ [Text 38] Style = 0 Header = Enter Password Edit = 1 Text 16 = Done //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE SERVICES //************************************************************************************ [Text 39] Style = 0 Header = Services Text 0 = Help Text 1 = Create New Account Text 2 = Logon As Text 3 = Back //************************************************************************************ // Tournament Save //************************************************************************************ [Text 40] Style = 0 Header = Save Tournament Text 0 = [EMPTY] Text 1 = [EMPTY] Text 2 = [EMPTY] Text 3 = [EMPTY] Text 5 = Cancel //************************************************************************************ // Tournament Load //************************************************************************************ [Text 41] Style = 0 Header = Load Tournament Text 0 = [EMPTY] Text 1 = [EMPTY] Text 2 = [EMPTY] Text 3 = [EMPTY] Text 5 = Cancel [Text 42] Style = 0 Header = Save Name Edit = 1 Text 16 = Save //************************************************************************************ // Save //************************************************************************************ [Text 43 ] Style = 0 Header = Save Status Text 5 = Cancel [Text 44 ] Style = 1 Header = VMU Configuration Split = 11 Text 0 = Select which VMU you Flag 0 = 1 Text 1 = want to save data on. Flag 1 = 1 Text 2 = Port 1 VMU Slot1 Text 3 = Port 1 VMU Slot2 Text 4 = Port 2 VMU Slot1 Text 5 = Port 2 VMU Slot2 Text 6 = Port 3 VMU Slot1 Text 7 = Port 3 VMU Slot2 Text 8 = Port 4 VMU Slot1 Text 9 = Port 4 VMU Slot2 Text 10 = Don't want to save Text 11 = Blank Flag 11 = 1 Text 12 = Blank Flag 12 = 1 Text 13 = Blank Flag 13 = 1 Text 14 = Blank Flag 14 = 1 Text 15 = Blank Flag 15 = 1 Text 16 = Blank Flag 16 = 1 Text 17 = Blank Flag 17 = 1 Text 18 = Blank Flag 18 = 1 Text 19 = Blank Flag 19 = 1 Text 20 = Blank Flag 20 = 1 Text 21 = Blank Flag 21 = 1 //************************************************************************************ // DirectPlay Status //************************************************************************************ [Text 45] Style = 0 Header = Network Status Text 0 = Connecting... Flag 0 = 1 Text 5 = Cancel //************************************************************************************ // DIRECTPLAY NAME //************************************************************************************ [Text 46] Style = 0 Header = Enter Name Edit = 1 Text 16 = Done //************************************************************************************ // IP ADDRESS //************************************************************************************ [Text 47] Style = 0 Header = Enter IP Address Edit = 1 Text 16 = Done //************************************************************************************ // PHONE NUMBER //************************************************************************************ [Text 48] Style = 0 Header = Enter Phone Number Edit = 1 Text 16 = Done //************************************************************************************ // Controller Assignment //************************************************************************************ [Text 49] Style = 1 Header = Controller Assignment Text 1 = Press the 'A' Button on the Controller you like to use Text 2 = for player XXXXXX Text 5 = Done //************************************************************************************ // NETWORK CHAT MSG //************************************************************************************ [Text 50] Style = 0 Header = Send Chat Edit = 1 Text 16 = Send Text 17 = Cancel //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE STATS //************************************************************************************ [Text 51] Style = 1 Header = Online Stats Split = 1 Text 0 = Back Text 1 = Games Played Flag 1 = 1 Text 2 = Wins Flag 2 = 1 Text 3 = Losses Flag 3 = 1 Text 4 = Ties Flag 4 = 1 Text 5 = Perfect Games Flag 5 = 1 Text 6 = Strikes Flag 6 = 1 Text 7 = Spares Flag 7 = 1 Text 8 = Splits Flag 8 = 1 Text 9 = Average Flag 9 = 1 //************************************************************************************ // ONLINE NAME GAME //************************************************************************************ [Text 52] Style = 0 Header = Enter Game Name Edit = 1 Text 16 = Done
Error Messages
Some error messages can be found throughout DEFAULT.XBE.
BOWLER ERROR: Need to add an Anim Directory to the General section. BOWLER ERROR: Directory not found in file (%s) BOWLER ERROR: Need to add an Model Directory to the General section. BOWLER ANIMATION ERROR: The bowler does not have a release frame for the ball. BOWLER ANIMATION ERROR: Missing bone %s on animation. CENTER ERROR: Need to add a Directory to the General section. CENTER ERROR: Pin not found %s in center %s. CENTER WARNING: You have too many lanes in center %s. %d is the max. Damn ye, do the chair clearing thing right!
Unused Graphics
A logo for PBA Tour.
A graphic of an ambulance is present in the Textures folder.
Leftover Fonts
Three leftover fonts from PBA Tour Bowling 2001 can be found in Fonts.
The AMF Bowling series
| |
Game Boy Color | AMF Bowling |
Xbox | AMF Bowling 2004 |
Wii | AMF Bowling World Lanes |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Black Market Games
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Mud Duck Productions
- Xbox games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2003
- Games released in December
- Games released on December 1
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- AMF Bowling series
Cleanup > Pages missing date references
Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Black Market Games
Games > Games by platform > Xbox games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Mud Duck Productions
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2003
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December > Games released on December 1
Games > Games by series > AMF Bowling series