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46 Okunen Monogatari - The Shinkaron

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Title Screen

46 Okunen Monogatari - The Shinkaron

Developer: Almanic[1]
Publisher: Enix
Platform: PC-98
Released in JP: May 26, 1990[2]

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

46 Okunen Monogatari - The Shinkaron is an RPG for the PC-9800 series.


Sound Test

Type "MUSIC TEST" at the DOS prompt ("TEST" must be in all caps) to access a music and sound test. Pressing Esc exits.
The method of accessing this is identical to the sound test seen in Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss.

46Okunen MusicTest.png

Unused Graphics

Several overworld-only NPC characters have unused character graphics (located in files starting with "CHRAV"). The first digit indicates what chapter they're seen and loaded in.

CHRAV ID Name Name (Translated) Sprite Notes
119 海サソリ Eurypterid 46Okunen CHRAV119.png
120 ウニ Urchin 46Okunen CHRAV120.png Character art says "ウニなんだぞ" ("It's a sea urchin.")
121 ゴカイ Hediste 46Okunen CHRAV121.png
122 サンゴ Coral 46Okunen CHRAV122.png
124 ストロマトライト Stromatolite 46Okunen CHRAV124.png Character art says "ストロマトライト!? なにそれ" ("Stromatolite!? What is that?")
125 オーム貝 Nautilus 46Okunen CHRAV125.png
126 三葉虫 Trilobite 46Okunen CHRAV126.png Character art says "三葉虫" ("Trilobite")
214 メガニウラ Meganeura 46Okunen CHRAV214.png Character art says "CHRAV214メガニウラ" ("CHRAV214 Meganiura")
Note that the correct spelling would have been "メガネウラ" ("Meganeura").
466 ゴーレム Golem 46Okunen CHRAV466.png
554 巨大ナマケモノ Giant Ground Sloth 46Okunen CHRAV554.png Character art says "CHRAV554 巨大ナマケモノ" ("CHRAV554 Giant sloth")
557 肉食猿人 Carnivorous Primate 46Okunen CHRAV557.png
601 ヒューマン Human 46Okunen CHRAV601.png Character art says "CHRAV601 ヒューマンおんな" ("CHRAV601 Human woman")
602 恐竜人 Homo dinos 46Okunen CHRAV602.png Character art says "CHRAV602 恐竜人 男" ("CHRAV602 Dinosaur person male")
603 恐竜人 Homo dinos 46Okunen CHRAV603.png Character art says "CHRAV603 恐竜人 女" ("CHRAV603 Dinosaur person female")
604 呪魔 Devil 46Okunen CHRAV604.png Character art says "CHRAV600 ヒューマン おとこ" ("CHRAV600 Human man")
Note that it says "CHRAV600" instead of "CHRAV604".
(Source: 46 OkuMen's fan translation (translated names))
