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Prerelease:Plants vs. Zombies 3

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Plants vs. Zombies 3.

To do:
  • Portfolios from John Shroades and Armando Durruthy.
    • Some additional portfolios from Ryan Hall, David Kertesz and Morgan Mulhall. Much of the images in these portfolios appear to be identical to the final release, so please give them a thorough comb through before you add them here.
  • This page could do with some restructuring.

Colin Riley's Website

Colin Riley was a designer at PopCap Games who specialised in UX, UI, F2P and Game Design, Prototyping, and Creative Direction from 2015 to 2018. Over on his website, he showcases some concept screenshots of PvZ3, as well as Bejeweled Blitz.

Quest Giver

What is a "Seamus?"

This screenshot seems to feature a Crazy Dave-like NPC (seemingly named "Seamus", judging by the name of the image) who would give out quests like the Travel Log in its predecessor.

World Map: Z-Tech Astronomy Stronghold

Strongholds? What time period is this? THE DARK AGES? I thought we were finished with that in the previous game!

This screenshot showcases a more cartographic world map with a medieval-like stronghold called "Z-TECH ASTRONOMY," with a template description of "Hilarious description goes here!"

Player Menu


PVZ3 would have had your own player menu, featuring a profile with your own character design, levels, guilds, garden, inventory, quest menu, ranking, achievements, and, who could have guessed, lootboxes.

Cliffs of Blover

The name of this image refers to this area as "The Stronghold".

PvZ Screen Stronghold.jpg

The Hub World

PvZ WorldMap Quests.png]

A clear image of the game's hub world.

Jason Brown Concept Art

Jason Brown was a senior artist at PopCap Seattle from March 2013 to July 2017. A year before his departure from PopCap, concept art was found for an earlier version of PvZ3 on his (now deleted) ArtStation account (an archive of the art can be found here). Additionally, some of the concepts (or at least, certain aspects of them) were found in Colin Riley's art as well.

Player's Garden

Pre PvZ3 Jason Brown Player's Garden.jpg

Some concept art of how the player's garden would have looked.


Some early designs of characters that were scrapped sometime during development.

Pre PvZ3 Jason Brown Characters-1.jpg Pre PvZ3 Jason Brown Characters-2.jpg


Pre PvZ3 Jason Brown Windows.jpg Pre PvZ3 Jason Brown Attack Icons.jpg

Hub World Concepts

Pre PvZ3 Jason Brown Hub World-1.jpg Pre PvZ3 Jason Brown Hub World-2.jpg

Lawn Concepts

Other Concepts