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Pikmin (GameCube)/Development Text

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This is a sub-page of Pikmin (GameCube).

Scattered throughout the disc are numerous development related text documents.

Windows Executable-related

Possibly related to the Windows executable on the disc.


// Add any commands here


plugAtxServer: created window = 014604a2
plugAtxServer: Local host name is : 'colin-win2'
wSocket: got socket id 144
wSocket: got connected socket = 128 : connection from
atxServiceFile: could not find file : parms/gamePrms.bin
wSocket: got connected socket = 168 : connection from
wSocket: got connected socket = 136 : connection from
atxServiceFile: could not find file : cinemas/opening/opening.bin
wSocket: got connected socket = 140 : connection from
atxServiceFile: could not find file : cinemas/titles/logo.bin
wSocket: got connected socket = 172 : connection from
ageWinNodes: sending call_genage
AgeGadgetString: maxStringLen = 2047
AgeGadgetString: maxStringLen = 2047
atxServiceAge: wants to get filename : Cinematic Files (*.cin)|*.cin| (30)
atxServiceAge: doing finishcall!
atxServiceAge: wants to get filename : Cinematic Files (*.cin)|*.cin| (30)
atxServiceAge: doing finishcall!
atxServiceAge: closedown 00133570
atxServiceAge: down AtxServiceAge::closedown()
ageWinNodes: closing window
baseApp: default baseApp deconstructor
a 32 x 32 : 07a08260
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 07a06940
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 07a04800
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079ff6e0
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079fa5c0
Texture: decoding data 16 x 16 : 079f6380
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079f4e60
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079efd20
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079eb800
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079e96c0
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079e4da0
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079e3880
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079e0740
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079dc220
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079dad00
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079d97e0
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079d7ea0
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079d6980
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079d5440
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079d3f20
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079d2600
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079d10c0
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079cf7a0
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079ce280
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079ccd40
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079cac20
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079c6900
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079c47c0
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079bf6a0
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079ba580
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079b6040
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079b4b20
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079b2a00
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079ad8c0
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079a8fa0
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079a2e60
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 0799cd40
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 07997c20
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 07992b00
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 0798d9c0
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079888a0
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 07983760
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 0797d640
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 07978520
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079733e0
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 0796e2c0
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 079691a0
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 07964080
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 0795ef60
Texture: decoding data 16 x 32 : 0795aa40
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 07959900
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 079583e0
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 07956aa0
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/consFont.bti
Texture: decoding data 256 x 128 : 0794d920
plugPiki: *--------------- <ovl> after all system setup 80498.65k free 
Atx: Atx - Sending identification information
GameFlow: *------------------------------------------- section change
GameFlow: *------------------------------------------- softReset 80498.55k free
GameFlow: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END LOADING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GameFlow: *--------------- 80486.31k free : 0 files, 0.0k took 0.0 secs : 0.0 mb/sec
plugPiki: idle attach
plugPiki: done attaching objs!
GameFlow: *------------------------------------------- section change
GameFlow: *------------------------------------------- softReset 80498.55k free
P2DScreen: makeResName:[screen/eng_blo/m_select.blo] 
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_blo/m_select.blo
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/black_32.bti
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 02a9d0e0
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/bigFont.bti
Texture: decoding data 504 x 1008 : 02a9e6a0
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/p_bg.bti
Texture: decoding data 40 x 24 : 02d10ac0
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/w08_160.bti
Texture: decoding data 160 x 88 : 02d129e0
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/dot_32.bti
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 02d27540
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/dot_24.bti
Texture: decoding data 24 x 24 : 02d28e80
P2DScreen: makeResName:[screen/eng_blo/m_selec2.blo] 
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_blo/m_selec2.blo
P2DScreen: makeResName:[screen/eng_blo/option.blo] 
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_blo/option.blo
P2DScreen: makeResName:[screen/eng_blo/s_select.blo] 
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_blo/s_select.blo
P2DScreen: makeResName:[screen/eng_blo/v_select.blo] 
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_blo/v_select.blo
P2DScreen: makeResName:[screen/eng_blo/ms_selec.blo] 
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_blo/ms_selec.blo
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/opening.cin
sysNew: trying to allocate 0 bytes on heap
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/opening/opening.dsk
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/opening/opening.mod
Texture: decoding data 256 x 256 : 02ddc500
Texture: decoding data 256 x 256 : 02e8c5a0
Texture: decoding data 256 x 256 : 02e945e0
Texture: decoding data 128 x 512 : 02de4540
Texture: decoding data 256 x 256 : 02dd44e0
Texture: decoding data 1024 x 1024 : 02e0c580
Texture: decoding data 512 x 512 : 02dec560
Texture: decoding data 64 x 256 : 02dd24c0
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/opening/opening.bin
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/opening/opening.anm
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/titles/logo.mod
Texture: decoding data 512 x 64 : 0356a320
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/titles/logo.bin
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/titles/logo.anm
shapeBase: failed to open cinemas/titles/logoMotion/logo.dck
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/opening.ini
Titles: big font!
AyuStack: Creating cache of size 500.00 k
GamePrefs: checking if (0 parts/ day 30) : born 0 pikis, dead 0 pikis is in hiscore
P2DScreen: makeResName:[screen/eng_blo/cha_hi.blo] 
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_blo/cha_hi.blo
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/renz64.bti
Texture: decoding data 64 x 64 : 036f05a0
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/p2b_c_4.bti
Texture: decoding data 4 x 4 : 036f59c0
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/navi01.bti
Texture: decoding data 48 x 64 : 036f5b60
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/navi_l.bti
Texture: decoding data 32 x 32 : 036fa8e0
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/p2b_c_y.bti
Texture: decoding data 4 x 4 : 036fbde0
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_tex/piki3.bti
Texture: decoding data 116 x 64 : 036fbfa0
P2DScreen: makeResName:[screen/eng_blo/press_s.blo] 
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/screen/eng_blo/press_s.blo
Titles: ending loading!
Titles: done!
GameFlow: *--------------- 67705.01k free : 30 files, 2647.8k took 2.1 secs : 1.2 mb/sec
plugPiki: idle attach
plugPiki: done attaching objs!
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/pikis/happas/leaf.mod
Texture: decoding data 16 x 64 : 0370ebc0
Texture: decoding data 32 x 64 : 0370ede0
sysNew: trying to allocate 0 bytes on heap
CinePlayer: (75.000 : 76.000) got event at frame 75 : 0, 0, 0
gameApp: active 0
baseApp: Atx - Wants to open Age service
Age: !!!!! Opening Age server
Age: got genage command : 02a93060
Age: filter length = 30
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/demo15.cin
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/demo15/demo15_1.dsk
system: Opened file c:\development\dolphinpiki\dvdImage\dataDir/cinemas/demo15/demo15_2.dsk
Age: got genage command : 02a93060
Age: new optionbox : 0c021a08
Age: new optionbox : 0c021bf0
CinePlayer: created file C:\Development\DolphinPiki\dvdImage\dataDir\cinemas\demo15.cin ok, writing ....
gameApp: active 2
baseApp: default baseApp deconstructor
baseApp: Atx - Wants to close Age service

Model .h Files

Located in the model's respective folder.


enum {	JNT_body_jnt = 0,


enum {	JNT_jnt_BM = 0,

Font .h File

Present in the dataDir directory are several fonts in the game, including bigFont.bti, the main game font. In the same directory is a .h file for it, named bigFont.h.

Download.png Download bigFont.h file
File: Pikmin-bigFont-h-File.zip (286 KB) (info)

.dll Files

Inside of the .dll files while viewing with a hex editor, there's some developers messages, including a swear word hidden in one of the .dll files.

plugTexConv.dll Obscene Text

In plugTexConv.dll, located in plugins/plugTexConv.dll, viewing the file via hex editor, there's an obscene text that says in hex 00378E8:

what the fuck!! size unknown texture format!!
(Source: Mr. Broccoli (discovery)

Colin's E-Mail in plugPiki.dll

In plugPiki.dll file, it contains Colin Reed's E-mail (which he is a English programmer for the game), it's on the hex 00481478:

mail to colin@nintendo.co.jp too may links! no routes set total links
(Source: Mr. Broccoli (discovery)

Stage Settings Files

Located in the dataDir/stages folder.

To do:
Should the files accompanying the used stages be put here?


navi_start		0.0	0.0
map_file		courses/test/animtest.mod

//Next Stage
next_stage		stages/test20.ini

new_room {
	// Starting room
	index		0
	radius		4.0
	centre		1104.0	-1115.0

//	add_tekis {
//		type	chappy
//		type	chrgchap
//		type	swllchap
//		type	kingchap
//		type	archchap
//		type	btrychap
//		count	1	0
//		item	key	1
//		territory	300.0	0.0
//		}


// Playtest
navi_start		100.0 0.0
map_file		courses/test/tuto2.mod
cine_file		cinemas/tutori2.cin

//	singleStage		1

day_multiply	1.0

dayMgr {
numsettings 4

timesetting 0 {  // night
  light 0 {  // main light
    colour  70 70 80 255
  light 1 {  // sub light
    colour  75 100 125 255
  ambient {
    colour  30 75 120 128
  specular {
    colour  255 255 255 255
  fog {
    colour  10 0 15 48
    dist  -300.00 3000.00
timesetting 1 {  // morning
  light 0 {  // main light
    colour  255 180 185 255
  light 1 {  // sub light
    colour  120 80 170 255
  ambient {
    colour  70 60 70 128
  specular {
    colour  255 255 255 255
  fog {
    colour  200 160 185 48
    dist  -100.00 2500.00
timesetting 2 {  // day
  light 0 {  // main light
    colour  255 255 255 255
  light 1 {  // sub light
    colour  60 50 80 255
  ambient {
    colour  65 65 45 128
  specular {
    colour  255 255 255 255
  fog {
    colour  30 30 15 48
    dist  1000.00 5000.00
timesetting 3 {  // evening
  light 0 {  // main light
    colour  255 255 150 255
  light 1 {  // sub light
    colour  80 90 128 255
  ambient {
    colour  120 100 40 128
  specular {
    colour  255 255 255 255
  fog {
    colour  255 215 75 48
    dist  600.00 5000.00

new_room {
	// Starting room
	index		0
	radius		4.0
	centre		0.0	0.0

Image Definitions

Download.png Download Image definition files
File: Pikmin-imagedefs.zip (277 KB) (info)

Apparently text representations of the Nintendo logo, (dataDir/intro), one of the game's fonts (dataDir), and each of the memory card icons (banner&icons).


Download.png Download Build map
File: Pikmin-buildmap.zip (692 KB) (info)

7MB of compiler output for your viewing pleasure.