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Notes:CT Special Forces (Game Boy Advance)
(Redirected from Notes:CT Special Forces 2: Back in the Trenches)
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This page contains notes for the game CT Special Forces (Game Boy Advance).
All three of the GBA CT Special Forces games use the same text encoding, which can be read back using the below thingy table. Some of these characters are a little weird - for instance, 0x59 is a lowercase z with tilde and 0x6F is a lowercase m with umlaut, neither of which are standard.
@CTSF 00= 01=! 02=" 03=# 04=$ 05=% 06=& 07=' 08=( 09=) 0A=* 0B=+ 0C=, 0D=- 0E=. 0F=/ 10=0 11=1 12=2 13=3 14=4 15=5 16=6 17=7 18=8 19=9 1A=: 1B=; 1C=< 1D== 1E=> 1F=? 20=@ 21=A 22=B 23=C 24=D 25=E 26=F 27=G 28=H 29=I 2A=J 2B=K 2C=L 2D=M 2E=N 2F=O 30=P 31=Q 32=R 33=S 34=T 35=U 36=V 37=W 38=X 39=Y 3A=Z 3B=[ 3C=\ 3D=] 3E=_ 3F=a 40=b 41=c 42=d 43=e 44=f 45=g 46=h 47=i 48=j 49=k 4A=l 4B=m 4C=n 4D=o 4E=p 4F=q 50=r 51=s 52=t 53=u 54=v 55=w 56=x 57=y 58=z 59=z~ 5A=ß 5B={ 5C=| 5D=} 5E=¿ 5F=¡ 60=à 61=á 62=ä 63=â 64=ã 65=æ 66=è 67=é 68=ë 69=ê 6A=ì 6B=í 6C=ï 6D=î 6E=ç 6F=m¨ 70=ò 71=ó 72=ö 73=ô 74=ù 75=ú 76=ü 77=û 78=ÿ 79=ñ 7A=œ 7B=Æ 7C=Œ 7D=Ü 7E=[down] 7F=[up] 80=[left] 81=[right] 82=[A] 83=[B] 84=[L] 85=[R] 86=° 87=Á 88=È 89=Ä