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Shin Seiki Evangelion 2: Evangelions

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Title Screen

Shin Seiki Evangelion 2: Evangelions

Developer: Alfa System
Publisher: Bandai
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: November 20, 2003

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Cacti may speak Japanese, but do they speak it well?
...But does it make sense?
The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary!

Debug Menus

Several elaborate debug menus remain in this game. They can be activated with the code below. Apply the code and value of your choice to enter the debug menu when first loading the game.

Master Code (Only needed for an actual PlayStation 2)
9019C378 0C067086
Debug Menu Selector
001D3914 0000000x

x =

0 = Normal boot.
1 = Boot with debug info on screen.
2 = Appears to be the same as 1.
3 = First debug menu at boot. Contains miscellaneous test modes, such as sound and network related options.
4 = Second debug menu at boot. Contains event viewing options. Pressing X will yield more options to choose from.
5 = Third debug menu at boot. This contains model and graphic viewers. Some options do not work here and / or crash the game.
6 = Appears to start the game normally. This might do something else but it is currently unclear what it does.
7 = Appears to be the same as 1.
8 = Fourth debug menu at boot. This one contains battle test options. It also enables debug info on screen.

Selecting value 1 will boot the game with debug information on screen:

Evangelion 2 debuginfo.png

You may also want to enable the below code as well to enable debug information output to the console window. This is needed in order to see some debug messages that debug menu options display. It will also display errors if the game ever encounters any.

Enable Debug Messages in Console Window
20143400 00000000
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Debug Menu 1 (Miscellaneous Menu)

Evangelion 2 debugmenu1-1.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu1-2.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu1-3.png

An assortment of options can be selected in this menu, ranging from conversation tests, voice test, window test, and selecting music of your choice to play.

Text Translation Effect
ものぐさサンプル Bothersome Sample Plays a voice sample endlessly. You cannot exit this option.
ネットワーク設定 Establish Network Appears to allow you to set an IP address.
ファイル受信 Receive a file Crashes the game.
アーカイブテスト Archive Test Does not work as its function has been removed from the game.
項目選択テスト Item Selection Test Allows you to select a sample item. It's unclear what else it does.
ウィンドウテスト Window Test Starts a message box sample script.
スプライトテスト Sprite Test Hangs the game. The game tries to read a file named dev/sample1.hrt which does not exist on the disc.
ADPCMテスト ADPCM Test Allows you to play various voice samples here.
数値入力 Value Entry Opens a window to select a number, but appears to do nothing afterwords.
数値入力EX Value Entry EX Opens a window to select a number, but appears to do nothing afterwords.
ムービー再生 Movie Playback Plays the opening movie.
マロックテスト Malloc Test Displays memory info. This information only gets printed to a console window.
ファイルリード Read File Does not work as its function has been removed from the game.
ファイルライト Write File Does not work as its function has been removed from the game.
ファイルシーク Seek File Displays "Seek" in the console window. Probably a random disc read debug function.
SEテスト SE Test Displays a message onscreen. It doesn't appear to do anything else.
BGMテスト BGM Test Allows you to play BGM.
会話テスト Conversation Test Allows you to play various character related dialog.
会話テスト2 Conversation Test 2 Doesn't appear to work.
メモリーカード Memory Card Enables memory card options, such as formatting them.
セーブ情報取得 Save Memory Card Information Allows you to select save data.


Evangelion 2 adpcmtest.png

Selecting a number here will allow you to play its corresponding voice file.

Conversation Test

Evangelion 2 conversationtest1-1.png Evangelion 2 conversationtest1-2.png Evangelion 2 conversationtest1-3.png

This menu allows you to select a character of your choice which will allow you to view various dialog scenes. It also has the options to view different expressions.

BGM Test

Evangelion 2 bgmtest.png

This option allows you to play all the BGM in the game. The opening and ending themes do not appear to work, however.

Window Test

Evangelion 2 debugmenu1-windowtest.png

A simple window test option. Advancing in this menu will also advance the script.

Debug Menu 2 (Event Menu)

To do:
Document this more. There is some unused events here as well.

Evangelion 2 debugmenu2-1.png

Text Translation
実行 Execute
イベント: Event:
実行方法: Execution method:

Evangelion 2 debugmenu2-2.png

Text Translation
実行 Execute
イベント: Event:
プレーヤ: Player:
謎レベル調整: Unknown level adjustment:
戦闘技能調整: Fighting technique adjustment:
AT値変更: Changes the AT value:
環境設定: Environmental config:
時間帯: Time zone:
実行方法: Execution method:

Evangelion 2 debugmenu2-3.png

Text Translation
実行 Execute
第3使徒 Third Angel
イベント: Event:
登場位置: Appearance place:
時間帯: Time zone
キャラ登場設定 Character appearance config
実行方法 Execution method

Evangelion 2 debugmenu2-4.png

Text Translation
実行 Execute
第3使徒 Third Angel
イベント: Event:
戦闘結果: Battle result:
参加機体: Participate unit:
実行方法: Execution method

Evangelion 2 debugmenu2-5.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu2-6.png

This debug menu has quite a bit of parameters and events to choose from.

Debug Menu 3 (Graphic & Model Menu)

Evangelion 2 debugmenu3-1.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu3-2.png

Entering here will allow you to mostly view models and graphics, however a lot of the options crash the game as the files no longer are on the disc.

Text Translation Effect
仕事する。 Do Task Starts the game normally.
衛(一枚絵を出そう) Mamoru (Display a picture) Displays a option to change something. You cannot exit this menu.
花穂(hahiG sample) Kaho (hahiG sample) This would allow you to view models, however only the second option here works.
四葉(map model) Yotsuba (map model) Doesn't work as critical files are missing from the disc.
咲耶(sizeof) Sakuya (sizeof) Displays some debug info. You cannot return to the main debug screen once in this option.
千影 Chikage Does not work as its function has been removed from the game.
鈴凛(時間テスト) Rinrin (Time Test) Prints debug time info in the console window.
雛子(記憶会話文字列) Hinako (Memory talk strings) Doesn't appear to work.
鞠絵(瓦礫) Marie (Rubble) Displays the PlayStation button graphics on screen.
可憐 Karen This option will continue to print debug memory info to the console window.
亜里亜 Aria Does not work as its function has been removed from the game.
春歌 Shunka Does not work as its function has been removed from the game.
白雪 Shirayuki Displays a number of float points in the console window.

Kaho (hahiG sample)

Evangelion 2 debugmenu-hahiG sample.png

Text Translation Effect
スプライト関連 Sprites Related No longer works.
プリミティブ関連 Primitive Related Sends you to another sub menu.
2Dオブジェクトテクニック 2D object technique No longer works.
3D関連 Related to 3D No longer works.
タスク関連 Related to task No longer works.


Evangelion 2 debugmenu-sizeof.png

This displays some unknown debug information. You also cannot exit this menu once entered.

Sprite Related

Evangelion 2 debugmenu-spritemenu.png

Unfortunately, nothing works in this menu as the game is trying to read files that are no longer on the disc.

Text Translation
ロードして一枚絵表示 Load and Display a picture
"Packed" テクスチャパーツの表示 "Packed" Display the texture parts
スプライト操作関数 Sprite operation function
テクスチャの開放タイミング Texture opening timing
スプライト同士の親子関係 Parent-child relationship of sprites

Primitive Related

Evangelion 2 debugmenu-primitivemenu.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-primitivemenu1.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-primitivemenu2.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-primitivemenu3.png

All three options here allow you to view various test models.

Marie (Rubble)

Evangelion 2 buttontest.png

Entering this option displays the PlayStation controller buttons on screen. That's all that is here.


Evangelion 2 tiny test.png

Inside this option will have the text, "This is a tiny test" displayed while continuously sending memory info to the console window.

Debug Menu 4 (Battle Events Menu)

Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents.png

Text Translation
タブリス戦テスト Battle with tabris Test
パイロット顔グラテスト Pilot portrait graphic test
イベントテスト Event test

Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1.png

Text Translation
フリーイベント Free event
戦闘イベント(非リアルタイム) Battle event (Not real time)
戦闘イベント(リアルタイム) Battle event (Real time)
戦闘イベント(ブリーフィング) Battle event (Briefing)
戦闘イベント(カヲル問答) Battle event (Questions and answers to kaworu)
非プレイ戦闘イベント Non play battle event
使徒出現イベント Appear angel event
スタートイベント Start event
エンディングイベント Ending event
デモイベント Demo event

Using this menu allows you to view various battle cutscenes and view character battle icons. There is a lot of events to choose from in this menu.

Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1-1.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1-2.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1-3.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1-4.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1-5.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1-6.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1-7.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1-8.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1-9.png Evangelion 2 debugmenu-battleevents1-10.png


Several hidden cheats can be inputted below. You must be at the title screen to input them. Once at the title screen, press the following buttons listed below to unlock the characters of your choice. If the input is correct, you will hear a sound confirming correct cheat input.

Button Inputs At Title Screen Effect
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Left, Up, Down Unlocks Kaworu Nagisa
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Up, Left Unlocks Kensuke Aida
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down Unlocks Toji Suzuhara
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Down, Up Unlocks Hikari Horaki
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Up, Down Unlocks Ryoji Kaji
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Up, Right Unlocks Shigeru Aoba
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down Unlocks Makoto Hyuga
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up Unlocks Maya Ibuki
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Down, Right, Up, Left Unlocks Ritsuko Akagi
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Down, Left, Up, Right Unlocks Kozo Fuyutsuki
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Down, Up, Right, Left Unlocks Gendo Ikari
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Up, Right, Left, Down Unlocks Misato Katsuragi
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Up, Right, Down, Left Unlocks Rei Ayanami
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Up, Left, Down, Right Unlocks Soryu Asuka Langley
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Up, Up, Down, Right, Left Unlocks Shinji Ikari
Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Right, Up, Down Unlocks Gendo Ikari (#2)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, Up, Left Unlocks Shinji Ikari (#2)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, Right, Up, Up, Right, Down, Left Unlocks Kaworu Nagisa (#2)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left, Right, Up, Right, Down, Up, Left Unlocks Ryoji Kaji (#2)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Down, Up, Right Unlocks Toji Suzuhara (#2)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Up, Right Unlocks Shinji Ikari (#3)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left, Right, Up. Up, Left, Down, Right Unlocks Shinji Ikari (#4)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down Unlocks Misato Katsuragi (#2)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right, Down, Down, Up, Right, Left Unlocks Rei Ayanami (#2)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right, Down, Up, Down, Right, Left Unlocks Soryu Asuka Langley (#2)
Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, Up, Up,
Down, Left, Right, Down, Up, Left, Right, Left, Up, Down, Right, Right, Up, Down, Left
Unlocks Everyone
(Source: Original TCRF research)

Dummy Cheat

Additionally, there is one more dummy cheat that cannot be inputted without the use of codes as there is no inputs associated with it. It unlocks another Shinji Ikari scenario, however it is unclear if there is anything special about the unlock.

Re-enable Dummy Cheat
E0020001 01F03C94
41F03C98 000C0001
00001000 00000000

With the above code on, press Up twelve times at the title screen.