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Last Action Hero (SNES)

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Title Screen

Last Action Hero

Developer: Bits Studios
Publisher: Sony Imagesoft
Platform: SNES
Released in US: October 1993
Released in EU: December 10, 1993

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

Last Action Hero on the SNES is a subpar platformer and is often considered among the worst 16-bit licensed games. At least one developer also noted Schwarzenegger's demands on the game to make it less violent.

Hidden Content

The developers got pretty creative with the background layers, hiding a couple of things in those that aren't seen without using a graphics debugger.

Black and white cat in last action hero snes.png

Right after dropping into the first level, this image can be seen VERY quickly flashing in Background Layer 1.

Hidden developer message in last action hero snes.png

Also in the first level, this secret message has been written to Background Layer 3. This also gives us the name of the aforementioned cat.

The developer hidden greeting can be enabled using Game Genie code DFDF-A70D or setting memory address 00031D to a nonzero value. This activates the first part of the cheat, but to get to the cat greetings screen you will have to press L+R+Right+Y in the first cutscene.

Screenshot from 2022-12-26 01-08-15.png

The message above can be seen scrolling smoothly into the screen, pressing any button quits the greetings screen and takes you to the first level of the game.

Also, when the Game Genie code is enabled, you can always fill your health meter by pressing R.

(Source: Iikori)