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Beautiful Katamari

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Title Screen

Beautiful Katamari

Also known as: Beautiful Katamari Damashii (JP)
Developer: Now Production
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platform: Xbox 360
Released in JP: October 18, 2007
Released in US: October 16, 2007
Released in EU: February 29, 2008

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

Beautiful Katamari sees the King of All Cosmos accidentally ripping the fabric of the universe, creating a black hole, at which point he makes the Prince do all the work to plug it up...and pay Microsoft money for seven levels of DLC.

Unused Graphics

Yuragi.png Present in data\test is yuragi.png, which seems to be a test image.

Princeandstar.png A simple doodle of the Prince in front of a Katamari seems to be placed next to a star sprite. The star in the texture is present in the Royal Rainbow screen.

Bk colony.png Artwork of the pear machine which represents the Danger Colony and Mechanical Colony stages.

Bk chateau.png Artwork of the King-inspired structure which represents the Chatéau Notre Desir stage.

Unused Audio

Present in data\sound\stream\mono (the directory for the game's sounds and voices) are two audio clips of the word "dummy" being spoken by Microsoft Sam.



Unused Music

Stored alongside the rest of the music in data\sound\bgm are two unused songs from earlier games:

LOVE & PEACE & Katamari Damacy (M12_ANGEL.nps)

...and a scratch vocals version of Katamari on the Rocks (test.nps), notable for being used as the music for "King's Kourse" in Pac-Man World Rally.
Due to file size limits, only the first loop can be heard here; the original file lasts 12:04.

In addition, a copy of M14_PHONOGRAPH.nps is stored as test2.nps.