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Translations:Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)/43/en

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|- |Sonic 2 CNZ2 rings.png |Casino Night Zone
Act 2 |027F00F8 |Two clusters with seven rings each, just above the start, but way too high to reach. These rings have mysteriously been transported from Act 1 to Act 2, this same problem also occurs with the rows of rings that should be from a launcher. These rings would be easily reached using fippers that are centered just below the rings. When locked-on to Sonic & Knuckles, it is possible for Knuckles to collect these rings by gliding to the far left from the highest wall.
In the August 21 prototype or final version, these flippers could be used to reach the enigmatic rings on Act 1. |Sonic 2 CNZ2 AUG21Proto rings1.png |- |Sonic 2 CNZ2 rings2.png |Casino Night Zone
Act 2 |10700611 |It may seem strange, but this row of rings should be in Act 1, the level design fits perfectly where a ramp leads to a vertical launcher. This failure has always occurred since the prototype of August 21st, 1992. |Sonic 2 CNZ2 AUG21Proto rings2.png |- |Sonic 2 MCZ2 hidden rings 1.png |Mystic Cave Zone
Act 2 |0F2B00F0 |These may have been placed with the original level layout from the Simon Wai prototype in mind. In the same coordinates in that prototype is a tall pillar. |The level design was copied from Simon Wai to the final version of Sonic 2 so that the objects were placed correctly. |- |Sonic 2 MCZ2 hidden rings 3.png |Mystic Cave Zone
Act 2 |15880160 |These may have been placed with the original level layout from the Simon Wai prototype in mind. |The level design was copied from Simon Wai to the final version of Sonic 2 so that the objects were placed correctly. |- |Sonic 2 MCZ2 hidden rings 2.png |Mystic Cave Zone
Act 2 |16050156 |These rings may have been part of the original level layout for this Zone in the Simon Wai prototype. As there is a ledge and an empty space in the same coordinates in that prototype, a swinging platform may have been in these coordinates to accompany the rings. |The level design was copied from Simon Wai to the final version of Sonic 2 so that the objects were placed correctly. |- |Sonic 2 OOZ hidden rings.png |Oil Ocean Zone
Act 2 |0BC003A8 |These are leftovers from the original level layout seen in the Simon Wai prototype. The same rings can be found in the same coordinates in that prototype. |The level design was copied from Simon Wai to the final version of Sonic 2 so that the objects were placed correctly. |- |Sonic 2 OOZ hidden rings2.png |Oil Ocean Zone
Act 2 |11BF023A |These are leftovers from the original level layout seen in the Simon Wai prototype. The same rings can be found in the same coordinates in that prototype. |The level design was copied from Simon Wai to the final version of Sonic 2 so that the objects were placed correctly. |- |Sonic 2 OOZ hidden rings3.png |Oil Ocean Zone
Act 2 |12C0023A |These are leftovers from the original level layout seen in the Simon Wai prototype. The same rings can be found in the same coordinates in that prototype. |The level design was copied from Simon Wai to the final version of Sonic 2 so that the objects were placed correctly. |- |Sonic 2 OOZ hidden rings5.png |Oil Ocean Zone
Act 2 |191001F8 |These are leftovers from the original level layout seen in the Simon Wai prototype. The same rings can be found in the same coordinates in that prototype. |The level design was copied from Simon Wai to the final version of Sonic 2 so that the objects were placed correctly. |- |Sonic 2 OOZ hidden rings4.png |Oil Ocean Zone
Act 2 |1A0001F8 |These are leftovers from the original level layout seen in the Simon Wai prototype. The same rings can be found in the same coordinates in that prototype. |The level design was copied from Simon Wai to the final version of Sonic 2 so that the objects were placed correctly. |- |Sonic 2 OOZ hidden rings6.png |Oil Ocean Zone
Act 2 |20880300 |These are leftovers from the original level layout seen in the Simon Wai prototype. The same rings can be found in the same coordinates in that prototype. |The level design was copied from Simon Wai to the final version of Sonic 2 so that the objects were placed correctly. |- |Sprites Always on Top enabled in Gens. |Metropolis Zone
Act 2 |02C0043F |Three horizontal slanted rings, under the floor with the ten-ring box and a cog nearby. This floor used to be a slope in the Simon Wai prototype, so these rings may have been placed with the slope in mind. |Rings placed via Debug Mode to show how they would have looked in the prototype layout. |- |Sprites Always on Top enabled in Gens. |Metropolis Zone
Act 2 |135000D0 |These rings may have corresponded with the original level layout from the August 21st prototype. Judging by the layout in that prototype, these rings could have been reached by jumping from the nearby conveyor belt. |The level design was copied from August 21st prototype to the final version of Sonic 2 so that the objects were placed correctly. |- |Sprites Always on Top enabled in Gens. |Metropolis Zone
Act 2 |0F000169 |These rings appear to correspond with the original level layout from the Simon Wai prototype. There is a ledge in the same coordinates in that prototype, so the rings may have been placed on top of it. |Rings placed via Debug Mode to show how they would have looked in the prototype layout. |- |Sprites Always on Top enabled in Gens. |Metropolis Zone
Act 2 |0F400354 |These rings appear to correspond with the original level layout from the August 21, 1992 prototype. In the same coordinates, they would have been under a ceiling. |Sonic2proto aug21 MZ2 rings4.png |- |}