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The 7th Saga

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Title Screen

The 7th Saga

Also known as: Elnard (JP)
Developer: Produce
Publisher: Enix
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: April 23, 1993
Released in US: August 3, 1993

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page
DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: Monster girl boobs and several naked dudes.
To do:
Add additional changes to the difficulty in the overseas versions. A few changes can be found from this webpage: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/563501-the-7th-saga/41960584

The 7th Saga is an RPG game which is infamous for the higher difficulty in the overseas versions which leads to tedious level grinding, so much so that a ROM hack was made to balance out the difficulty.


Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Towns Cut from the Game

There are 4 additional towns (Guanas, Bijenia, Bulando, and Luze) which were cut from the final game. These cities have placeholders in the shop/inn data, of which is empty; it does not appear as if anything was ever implemented in these shop lists before these cities were cut.

The names of each city are able to be added to the Wind Rune list by hacking the game, but they are unfinished or not-working (or at least the Rune transfer coordinates were not programmed).

You can hack your Wind Rune list with the following Pro Action Replay code 7E50XXYY.

  • XX is the slot number, the value for the first slot is E0. (I do not know how many slots there are but it goes well over the number of towns available.)
  • YY is the town number.

These can be used to warp to any town from the present or the past. The values for YY (in hex) below are the towns removed from the game.

Unused Guanas Guntz
Elnard guwanas unused city.png Elnard gantz used city.png
  • 0x23 - Guanas (a decently sized placeholder city, using Guntz's location data with palette errors and no loaded NPC nor transition data; perhaps Guanas (which is in the exact same position as present day Guanta and which is already able to be visited in the past under snowy conditions with only a few homes) was originally designed to be visited in the past even earlier before the snowfall on the northwestern continent).
  • 0x24 - Bijenia (blank screen/soft hang)
  • 0x25 - Bulando (blank screen/soft hang)
  • 0x26 - Luze (blank screen/soft hang in the US version; in the JP version, it displays an extremely glitched ship cutscene then dumps you off in Bonro, still glitched, but can be fixed by exiting the town or entering a building. In the final game, Luze is only visitable in the present with all of the buildings being entirely ruined. It may have been the original intent to visit it in the past as an actual intact city. This would also suggest that more of the overworld in the past was intended to be used, whereas in the final game, about 50% of the world is not able to be normally visited).

There is also rune data for the rest of the cities of the past which are normally visitable. But since you do not have the Wind Rune normally in the past, these can never be used. These are:

  • 0x1C - Pharano
  • 0x1D - Pasanda
  • 0x1E - Ligena
  • 0x1F - Guanas
  • 0x20 - Palsu
  • 0x21 - Past Melenam
  • 0x22 - AIRSHIP (in all caps); takes you to the downed airship on the final continent.

There is also a Wind Rune entry (value 0x1B) for "Gorfun" which teleports one to the Gorfun Cave entrance in the present. This is the only location present in the Wind Rune list that is not a city (or airship). However, Gorfun Cave also has empty shop/inn data, suggesting that perhaps Gorfun in the present was intended to originally be a town with the cave entrance being found in the town itself instead of directly on the world map.

Another entry is for Baran (value 0x11), the castle that is attacked by the Serpent long before your heroes visit it. The castle is never repopulated after you rescue the kids, and this warp point is never added to your list.

Value 0x19 is referred to as "ブランセル" (Vlancel) in the Japanese version, and is blank in the US version. It takes you to the Cave of Silence on the northwestern continent in the present. It is unknown exactly what use warping here directly could have served, since you can easily warp to Guanta nearby.

(Codes: Fmatthew5876)

Unused Enemies

There are about a dozen enemies still existing in the data which went unused in the final game. When the game is edited to call up these enemies into a battle, most of them do not have a battle sprite. (NOTE: It is uncertain if the sprites still exist in the game data and simply are not called, or do not exist at all). Most of their stats are 0 or default. With the amount of unused enemies, it is possible that these were intended for inaccessible/unfinished areas of the "past".

HEX ID / Name (Japanese(Translation)/English) / Notes

  • 01 [no name] (no image, empty stats - may not have ever been intended to be filled).
  • 0B γƒˆγƒΌγƒ«(Thor)/Tall (no image, empty stats - in the Japanese game, the "demon" type enemies are called "Little Thor" and the "Undead" is called "Unde(ad) Thor". Therefore, it would seem that this should be a regular normal-sized one).
  • 0C をァッシー(Assassi?)/Sasee (no image, empty stats)
  • 10 デスγƒͺッチ(Death Lich)/Desrich (no image, empty stats)
  • 12 ガデγƒ₯ーン(Gadune?)/Kadoom (no image, empty stats)
  • 13 ベアー(Bezar?)/Heysir (no image, empty stats)
  • 14 ブラッス(Brass?)/Blasu (no image, empty stats)
  • 25 [no name] (no image, empty stats)
  • 2B γƒ©γ‚€γƒˆγƒœγƒΌγƒ«(Light Ball)/Lihall (no image, empty stats)
  • 38 [no name] (no image, empty stats)
  • 39 [no name] (no image, empty stats)
  • 3A [no name] (no image, empty stats)
  • 3B [no name] (no image, empty stats)
  • 3C [no name] (no image, empty stats)
  • 3F デバック(Debug)/Debag (HAS IMAGE, HAS STATS) (palette swap of gate/door type enemy; due to low stats ("1" in almost everything) this seems to be a monster intended for debug purposes rather than a pun).
  • 45 γƒ‡γ‚Ήγƒγƒ³γƒˆ(Death Hand)/D.Trick (HAS IMAGE, HAS STATS) (palette swap of Trick/Hand)
  • 4B [no name] (HAS IMAGE, empty stats) (palette swap of Doros; has same split/division A.I. as Doros)
  • 5A [no name] (HAS IMAGE, HAS STATS) (same sprite as when fighting Kamil in battle (Kamil's normal data is 5B); however, the stats and special abilities do not follow the normal apprentice data and they are very similar to the Griffan/Kashian enemy just above it (59)).

It should be noted that "Death Hand/D.Trick" and "Debug/Debag" are the only two unused enemies which appear in an unused set of battle formations, which may account for the reason why they have sprites appearing in battle.

Extra Enemy Encounters on Melenam Island

The game is not flagged to change the overworld map enemy encounter data from the "present" formations to the "past" formations until after the defeat of Gariso. Therefore, when using the Wind Rune hack to visit any of the cities of the "past" before this event, the enemy encounter data for the "present" enemies has not yet been changed over to the "past" formations. So when using the Wind Rune to visit the island of Melenam (YY=21) in the "past", the "present" enemy formations will still remain on the map even though you are in the past. Strangely, this reveals a set of enemy encounters in the "present" for the island of Melenam (which do not show up anywhere else), even though the island of Melenam does not exist on the "present" map. Given the absurd variety of the monsters, it's unlikely this encounter set was intended to be used. Most likely this region was used as a testing area.

Each area has a set of 8 possible encounters stored in the game data. These are the 8 formations for the "present" island of Melenam, which are normally not accessible:

  1. Chimera / Trick / Titan
  2. Coccoon / Soldiek / Spidek
  3. Undead / Defeat / Orc
  4. Manrot / Brain / Ghoul
  5. Spirit / Crab / Griffin
  6. Android / Sage / Wyrock
  7. Flame / B.Night / Sword
  8. Mutant / Manta / S.Witch

Unused Drop Set

There are 16 available item drop sets to determine which item an enemy randomly drops at the end of a battle. Apart from the few that are entirely blank, there is one drop set (0A(10)) which went entirely unused:

  • Potion1 (1/16)
  • Potion2 (1/16)
  • Potion3 (1/16)
  • [NO DROP] (1/16)
  • MHerb1 (1/16)
  • Antidote (1/16)
  • M Water (1/16)
  • V Seed (1/16)
  • Pearl (1/16)
  • Opal (1/16)
  • Ansc (1/16)
  • Psyte (1/16)
  • Anger (1/16)
  • B Fossl (1/16)
  • Illus (1/16)
  • Kryn (1/16)

Regional Differences

To do:
More images.
  • In the US version, the average stat gains per level for player characters were reduced compared to the Japanese version. This reduction was not applied to rival playable characters, who have the same growth calculation as in the Japanese version. This makes rival fights significantly more difficult.
  • Player characters also grow and learn new abilities at a much slower rate in the US version.
  • Lejes Rimul's (the Demon class) palette was altered in the North American release, presumably to add more contrast between his hair and skin (and also so he doesn't look like a male Twi'lek from Star Wars in battle anymore), and his horns redrawn to appear less demonic:
7thsaga lejes jp field.png 7thsaga lejes us field.png
MAY THE FORCE BE WITH ME 7thsaga lejes us battle.png

The red spot on his chest was also redrawn and changed in color to look more like an amulet for unknown reasons:

7thsaga lejes jp battle2.png 7thsaga lejes us battle2.png
  • In the original Japanese version, Wilme Pelin (the Alien class) goes around nude. In the North American release, he was censored and wears a rag. His hair was also made a brand of 90's radical:
7thsaga wilme jp field.png 7thsaga wilme us field.png
7thsaga wilme jp battle.png 7thsaga wilme us battle.png
  • Several enemy sprites have also been censored:
7thsaga metal guy jp.png 7thsaga metal guy us.png

This class of metallic Roman-style statue enemies, who have three palette variants total, fittingly combat in the nude in the Japanese version. They're covered up with somewhat unfitting rags in the US version.

7thsaga scylla jp.png 7thsaga scylla us.png

The scylla female monster had some ragged clothing painted on.

7thsaga gashian JP.png 7thsaga griffan US.png

In addition to this female monster boss (and her palette swap) being clothed and chitined, some touching up was done, with some legs being minorly redrawn or lengthened, and one of the chitin plates near the end of the tail section being extended.

  • The floating sword enemies have been slightly redrawn with longer hilts, presumably to look less like a cross (!).
  • The ghoul enemy type, once again, gained some britches.
  • The final boss, Gorsia, was given a blue palette to replace his yellow one from the Japanese version. In addition, the rocky lower half of his body was redrawn to look less like legs and look more like fused rock for some reason. Why this was done is unknown.

One of the characters, King Lemele was originally called "King Shida" in the Japanese version.

  • Many of the enemies had their stats increased in the US version:

(Note: For entries with two values, the left number is the JP version.)

Japanese Name
English Name Lv HP MP Str Def Mag Speed Gold Exp Ability 1 Ability 2 Ability 3 Ability 4 Ability 5 Ability 6 NOTES
Trick 9 80 50 60->100 60 20 22->35 100 220 Heal 1 (20%) Poison (36%) Petrify (30%) Agility (10%) HPCatcher (10%)
Titan 13 210 0 65 100 40->55 50 120 264 NONE (0%)
[Air Jelly]
Coccoon 15 67 80 63 90->120 70->80 75->88 80 176 Heal2 (40%) Poison (20%) Defense1 (20%) HPCatcher (20%) Laser2(20%) MPCatcher
Spidek 14 85 50 60->70 84 60->70 83->90 110 242 NONE (0%) Poison (4->14%) Defense2 (30%)
[Unde[ad] Thor]
Undead 7 80 40 25->30 32 12 28 40 88 Heal1 (40%) Revive1 (60%) different sprite in US version
[Heat Eye]
Despair 12 110->200 90 50->70 80->100 36->40 30 100 220 Heal1 (70%) Petrify (10->20%) F Bird (10%)
[Blue Eye]
Doom 23 320 110 150->170 140->230 110->140 100 350 771 NONE (0%) Fire2 (20%) F Ball (20%) MPCatcher (20%)
[Dark Eye]
Reaper 32 540->700 200 150 380 160 140 400 881 NONE (0%) MPCatcher (10%) Vacuum1 (8%) F Ball (10%)
[Soul Hard]
Manrot 8 78 40 38->50 55 28 30 60 132 Heal1 (50%) Ice1 (15%) Petrify (10->20%)
[Unde[ad] Heart]
Brain 12 128->158 150 50->65 85 50 32 130->220 286->484 NONE (0%) Poison (5%) Laser2 (10%)
Spirit 32 280 120 160->210 350 140 160 570 1255 Heal2 (30%) Thunder1 (20%) Thunder2 (20%) NONE (0%) -> Agility (20%)
[Stone Eater]
Crab 34->36 440 210 160->200 450 160 140 700 1542 NONE (0%) Petrify (20%) Defense2 (10%) Ice2 (20%)
Griffin 21 100 300 100->130 110->130 100 100 220 484 Heal2 (30%) Poison (15%) Petrify (10%) Vacuum1 (4%) different sprite in US version
Android 8 80 50 32->40 40->45 5->15 34->45 40 88 Heal1 (50%) HPCatcher (12->35%)
[Hell Priest]
Sage 16 110 100 80->90 110 60->110 65->80 150 330 Heal2 (80%) MPCatcher (30%) Revive2 (30%) Defense2 (20%) F Bird (10%)
Wyrock 20 170 210 110 150 90->110 80 250 550 Heal2 (40%) Ice2 (20%) Blizzard1 (20%) Petrify (20%) Revive1 (20%)
Flame 19 210->400 200 110->140 120 86 90 240->450 528->991 NONE (0%) Fire2 (10%) F Ball (10%) F Bird (10%) different sprite in US version
Pison 8 250 15 32->40 40->50 14 30 120 264 Heal2 (95%)
[Red Python]
R-Pison 14 280 20->30 90->120 92->100 61 40->55 1000 2203 Heal2 (80%) NONE (0%) -> Blizzard2 (12%)
[Metal Python]
M-Pison 30 700->2400 100->120 210->220 160->260 130->150 100 1000 2203 Heal3 (99%) Petrify (10%) Defense1 (30%) Defense2 (30%) MPCatcher (10%) Vacuum1 (5->7%)
Romus 12 130->300 110 24->30 36->40 12 20 240 528 NONE (0%) HPCatcher (20%)
Doros 34 1300->1800 200 120->140 190->220 100->130 110->130 1100 2423 Heal2 (99%) Fire2 (10%) F Ball (20%) MPCatcher (20%) NONE (0%) -> Vacuum1 (10%)
Serpent 32 1000->2000 220 110 170->220 90 100 1400 3084 Heal2 (50%) -> NONE (0%) Ice1 (20%) Blizzard1 (20%) Petrify (20%) MPCatcher (5%) Defense2 (5%) different sprite in US version
Gariso 40 2600->3000 220 140->160 200->250 138->150 140 2200 4846 Heal2 (40%) Ice2 (10%) F Ball (20%) Vacuum2 (16%) unused - no sprite loads
Foma 38 1440->1800 320 160->180 440->500 180 160->180 1700 3745 NONE (0%) MPCatcher (10%) Thunder1 (10%) Thunder2 (10%)
GORSIA 70 4000 255 500->600 1000->1400 250 250 0 0 Heal2 (60%) Fire2 (10%) Blizzard2 (10%) Vacuum1 (10%) F Ball (10%) Ice2 (10%) no sprite unless in final battle / different sprite in US version
Mutant 18 120->300 130 90->120 127 80->100 70 230 506 Heal2 (30%) Blizzard1 (10%) Revive1 (20%) Ice1 (30%) Petrify (20%)
[Flying Ray]
Manta 12 88 20->50 55 90 50 67 110 242 NONE (0%) Agility (20%)
[Stone Mask]
S.Witch 15 160 90 75 100->140 50 60 150 330 NONE (0%) Petrify (30%) Defense1 (10%) Defense2 (10%) MPCatcher (10%)
[Black Knight]
B.Night 19 140 120 120->140 140 81 81 350 771 Heal2 (30%) Defense1 (20%) Ice2 (20%) NONE (0%) -> Vaccuum2 (12%)
Chimera 6 40 30 8->11 5 2 30 16 35 NONE (0%) MPCatcher (8%)
[Carol(?) Sword]
Sword 24 4->9 200 200 1200->1800 150 100 500 1101 NONE (0%) Defense2 (20%) Vacuum1 (5%) Petrify (30%) MPCatcher (30%) different sprite in US version
Dragon 25 600->1100 230 100->110 170->220 100->110 50->80 1000 2203 NONE (0%) Petrify (20%) Defense1 (10%) Defense2 (10%) F Ball (10%)
Doros 34 1300->1500 200 120->140 190->220 100->130 110 1100 2423 Heal2 (99%) Fire2 (10%) F Ball (20%) MPCatcher (20%) NONE (0%) -> Vacuum1 (10%)
Gariso 40 2600->3000 220 140->160 200->250 138->150 140 2200 4846 Heal2 (40%) Ice2 (10%) F Ball (20%) Vacuum2 (16%) unused - no sprite loads
GORSIA 70 4000 255 500->600 1000->1400 250 250 0 0 Heal2 (60%) Fire2 (10%) Blizzard2 (10%) Vacuum1 (10%) F Ball (10%) Ice2 (10%) no sprite unless in final battle / different sprite in US version
GORSIA 70 4000 255 500->600 1000->1400 250 250 0 0 Heal2 (60%) Fire2 (10%) Blizzard2 (10%) Vacuum1 (10%) F Ball (10%) Ice2 (10%) no sprite unless in final battle / different sprite in US version
GORSIA 70 4000 255 500->600 1000->1400 250 250 0 0 Heal2 (60%) Fire2 (10%) Blizzard2 (10%) Vacuum1 (10%) F Ball (10%) Ice2 (10%) no sprite unless in final battle / different sprite in US version
Plater 19 210 0 160->190 71 70 200 440 NONE (0%)
[Face Rock]
Falock 36->44 600 80 220->330 420->600 126 120 480 1057 NONE (0%) Agility (10%)
[Blue Thor]
B.Demon 10 80 50 46->60 50 30 30 75 165 Heal1 (30%) Defense1 (20%) Fire1 (10%) Poison (10%)
[Red Thor]
R.Demon 18 120 70 85->100 100->150 60 74 210 462 Heal2 (40%) Defense1 (10%) Fire2 (10%) F Bird (20%) NONE (0%) -> Blizzard2 (10%)
[Silver Thor]
S.Demon 35->38 320 210 180->210 420->480 180 180 600 1321 Heal3 (30%) Revive1 (60%) Fire2 (20%) Defense2 (20%)
[Red Hand]
R.Trick 16 110 80 66->80 100 65->80 70 200 440 NONE (0%) Poison (30%) Vacuum1 (10%) F Bird (20%) HPCatcher (20%)
[Killer Hand]
K.Trick 20 170->300 180 90->120 100 80 90 400 881 Heal2 (30%) Poison (20%) HPCatcher (20%) Ice2 (10%) Blizzard2 (10%)
Serpant 31 240 170 140->160 300 150->200 180 550 1211 Heal2 (50%) Petrify (20%) MPCatcher (15%) Blizzard2 (25%) different sprite in US version
Serpint 35->39 320 50->150 180 400->500 160 170 670 1476 NONE (0%) MPCatcher (20%) Petrify (80%) NONE (0%) -> Revive1 (50%) different sprite in US version
[Silver Heart]
S.Brain 17 400 100 100->130 150 80 60 400->800 881->1762 Heal2 (10%) MPCatcher (20%) HPCatcher (20%) Vacuum1 (10%)
Goron 35->40 1900->2600 220 230 520 170 160 3000 6609 NONE (0%) Blizzard2 (20%)
Unded 25 210->550 100 100->160 140->220 120 140 500 1101 Heal2 (60%) Revive1 (60%) HPCatcher (10%) Vacuum1 (7%) different sprite in US version
Undeed 34->40 320 100 200->240 420 170 160 600 1321 Heal3 (10%) Revive1 (70%) MPCatcher (10%) different sprite in US version
K.Moon 25 450 220 140 210 112 90 300 660 NONE (0%) Fire2 (30%) F Ball (30%) different sprite in US version
F.Night 36->43 400 130 240->340 470->550 150 150 640 1410 NONE (0%) Fire2 (30%) F Ball (30%) different sprite in US version
P.Moon 23 180->440 80 120 110 120 210 210 462 NONE (0%) Poison (40%) MPCatcher (20%) Petrify (8%)
[Bear(?) Knight]
V.Night 26 350 120 150 260->300 120 110 320 705 Heal3 (10%) Fire2 (20%) Defense1 (10%) F Ball (20%)
[Kein(?) Knight]
K.Night 33->35 380 200 170 420->440 150 170->210 600 1321 Heal2 (30%) Ice2 (20%) Blizzard2 (10%) Defense1 (3%)
[Death Knight]
D.Night 37->45 270->600 100 240->400 500->650 160 190 740 1630 Heal3 (30%) Petrify (10%) Defense2 (10%) MPCatcher (10%) HPCatcher (10%)
[Face Kid]
F.Witch 32 300 140 160 380 160 130 550 1211 NONE (0%) Petrify (20%) Vacuum2 (10->16%)
Dergun 30 280 0 150 300->360 140 130 500 1101 NONE (0%)
Dogun 32->34 320 110->100 160->180 380 160 160 500 1101 Heal3 (10->80%)
Monmo 33 450->750 220 160 950->1600 122 120 2000 4406 Heal2 (40%) MPCatcher (30%) HPCatcher (30%) Petrify (20%)
Griffan 35->45 2200->3400 220 220->240 480 200 170 4000 8812 NONE (0%) Petrify (20%) Vacuum2 (10%) Blizzard2 (10%) different sprite in US version
Wilme 20 200 220 50 44 0 22 0 0 Heal1 (50%) Fire1 (30%) loads stats from elsewhere, different sprite in US version
Lejes 20 140 220 80 94 0 72 700 1542 Heal2 (80%) Fire1 (10%) Fire2 (10%) Vacuum1 (7%) Petrify (10%) MPCatcher
loads stats from elsewhere, different sprite in US version