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Proto:The Gigglebone Gang: Pantsylvania

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This page details one or more prototype versions of The Gigglebone Gang: Pantsylvania.

Included on the Headbone Interactive CD-ROM Sampler is a demo of Pantsylvania that only includes the first area, Fancy Pants Factory. Despite being made a month after the game was finalized, the demo includes some unused content that isn't present in the final's data.

Unused Graphics

Unused Used
GiggleGangPantsDemo SellScreenEarly.png GiggleGangPantsDemo SellScreenFinal.png

An unused, less polished version of the sell screen shown at the end of the demo. The text has a different layout and lacks the Headbone copyright on the bottom-right and the Sega logo on the boxart.

Unused Sounds

Main Menu

Audio Subtitle
Bunji/Velma?: Give one of us a click, and we'll play!
Bunji/Velma?: Click one of us, and we'll have even more fun!
Bunji/Velma?: Give one of us a click, and we can discover some more stuff!

Three placeholder "click on us!" voicelines meant for Bunji and/or Velma.