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Poker Night 2
Poker Night 2 |
Developer: Telltale Games This game has unused sounds. |
Poker Night 2 is the sequel to Poker Night at the Inventory. Now you're invited to play poker with a talking dog detective (who happens to be partners with the hyperkinetic rabbity thing from last time), a one-half Swedish one-quarter Polish one-quarter Winnebago "murder machine", an annoying little talking scrap pile, and not Bruce Campbell. On top of all of that, your dealer is a killer AI who is obsessed with neurotoxins and lies about cake. Some lineup of characters.
Just like the original Poker Night, it also has some Team Fortress 2 items available, but this entry also boasted Borderlands 2 items, Xbox 360 avatar items, and PS3 themes. The only version to not get any special trinkets was the iOS version. A price to play for poker on the go, some would say.
Due to an unfortunate mix of expired licenses and Telltale's imminent demise, the game was delisted from digital storefronts in September 2018, with its predecessor facing a similar fate the following year.
To do: Console and iOS versions need investigation, and a lot of stuff - and I mean a LOT of stuff - still from the PC version: Early versions of used lines and Lines connected to scrapped characters and events, More unused dialogue including outtakes - some even eluding to a cut The Walking Dead Theme - files for one of the game's teasers, etc. |
Unused Dialogue
A voice clip suggesting that Claptrap and GLaDOS might have been in a relationship.
Unused Characters
Dialogue for The Medic from Team Fortress 2 and Larry Bridges from The Walking Dead can be found in the files for Poker Night 2. Interestingly, it seems like The Medic was replaced by Sam in the final game, and Larry was replaced by Brock Samson, as there is a character interaction with only those four present at the table. Most of the Medic's dialogue can also be found in Sam_English.landb.
Interestingly, it seems like Larry got decently far into production, with his dialogue referencing animations and recorded voice lines that were scrapped and removed from the files.
[339873795] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[disgusted] Ach, I fold. [339873796] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Perhaps I should have stayed at home looking at naughty x-rays. [339873797] Animation= Extra= Category=DEALER Speech=Maybe. Or maybe you're just too cowardly to turn lemons into lemonade. [339873798] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=You can't fool me... this run of unplayable cards is one of your little experiments, isn't it? [339873805] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I'm a medic, not a miracle worker. [339873806] Animation= Extra= Category=SAM Speech=These cards are a disease... and this fold is the dangerously untested cure. [339873808] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I fold. [339873811] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I'm going to sit this one out, and think of more pleasant topics... like sucking chest wounds. [339873820] Animation= Extra= Category=SAM Speech=[sighing] Ah, fahrvegnugen! Fold! [339873818] Animation= Extra= Category=SAM Speech=You magnificent bastard. Take it. [339873826] Animation= Extra= Category=SAM Speech=The Germans have a word for a hand like this - "Grossscrewbengefeulen." Roughly translated, "the feeling that one is about to be hosed by a particularly large wager." [339873827] Animation= Extra= Category=DEALER Speech=That's not a real word. [339873828] Animation= Extra= Category=SAM Speech=Well, it should be. I'm out. [339873834] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Hmm. Intriguing. [339873835] Animation= Extra= Category=ASH Speech=Or how to replace it with a chainsaw.. [339873836] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[to himself] Barbarian. [339873837] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=Cutting off the hand's no good. Ya gotta shoot 'em in the head! [339873841] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=You know how sometimes you're just about to start an operation, and then the patient just dies on you while you're putting him under? This hand is just like that, only without the lawsuits. [339873842] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Ja, this was a mistake. [339873843] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=There's a wonderful German word for a smidgen of hope that is quickly snuffed out by harsh reality. I'd tell you what it is, but it has too many letters to be contained in this program's text buffer. [339873845] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=That did NOT turn out as I hypothesized. [339873848] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=This... was a mistake. [339873851] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I should've euthanized this hand a long time ago. [339873852] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[mumbling] Donner, vetter, gluberhausen! Fold! [339873853] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[sigh] Fold. [339873854] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Don't... you... die... on... me! [339873855] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Well, that's a pity. Fold. [339873856] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=You know, I once spliced a pig's face onto the shell of a Galopogas turtle, but even I'm not crazy enough to stay in this hand. [339873862] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[lightly amused] Fold. [339873863] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Not this time. [339873864] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Scheisskuchen! [339873865] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Vundebar! [339873870] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=As a medical professional, I must caution that too many hands without a proper climax can wreak havoc on the schvansshtucker. [339873871] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=All these showdowns are increasing my adrenaline output to dangerously unpredictable levels! [339873872] Animation= Extra= Category=CLAPTRAP Speech=I hope it lasts! [339873873] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I should warn you... it is the creature nearest death that fights the fiecest. [339873874] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=You know, in German poker there's usually a lot more betting. Check. [339873878] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I too shall check. [339873879] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Fascinating... we appear to have lapsed into some sort of groupthink. Check. [339873882] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=That's a bingo! I mean, "check." [339873884] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I'm sorry madame, I'm afraid your son has a bad case of "check." [giggles] Sorry, a little medical humor there. Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=That raise is what we in the scientifically community call "statistically insignificant." THIS, on the other hand... [339873893] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Allow me to see your furshlugginer bet, and raise it several orders of magnitude. [339873901] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[thinking] I will raise. [339873902] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[casual] Raise. [339873903] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[sinister] Raise. [339873904] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Hmph. Raise. [339873905] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I shall raise. [339873906] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Let's raise, yes? [339873907] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=You know, I have a machine out in my car that could put that hand out of its misery. [339873908] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Hmm. Patient is listless and unresponsive. I recommend a swift kick to the keister. [339873911] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[pulls glasses off with a shaky hand, a la the famous "Hitler finds out about X" videos, then shouts a lot of silliness]. Gotterdammerung! What in the name of Haeckel's Vestigial Gill Slits was that!? [339873912] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[disgusted] I lost to THAT? [339873914] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=In the medical field, the technical term for a wager of this scale is "ein big-ass bet." [339873915] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=It will be very interesting to see if you have the guts to match this bet. Perhaps we can perform some impromptu between-hand abdominal surgery. [339873916] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=As your doctor, I feel I should warn you that the size of this bet may cause your anal sphincter to involuntarily contract. It's nothing to be alarmed or ashamed about, it's just one of the human body's many disgusting reflexes. [339873918] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I have calculated that THIS many chips should be sufficent to induce panic in the test subjects. [339873919] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[whistling the "Kill the Wabbit" theme... it's German, you know] [339873921] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I think I'll bet.... this much. [339873927] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I believe I will bet. [339873929] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I will bet. [339873931] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I shall bet. [339873937] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I bet. [339873938] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[triumphant] Never bet against the scientific method! [339873939] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I'm sure my future character will enjoy this. [339873940] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I'm glad to have this back. [339873941] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I will now say something ironic and Ash-like. [339873942] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I bet the future me will like this. [339873943] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=No matter who I am, I'll probably like this. [339873952] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=As a scientist, I recognize that the notion of a "hot streak" is probabilistic nonsense. That said, IN YOUR FACE, LOSERS, I'M ON A ROLL!!! [339873953] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Yes! Now to begin my inevitable comeback! [339873954] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I see you have chosen flight over fight... intersesting. [339873955] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I see you have chosen flight over fight... intersesting. [339873957] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Score one for my superior teutonic intellect! [339873958] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Allow me to demonstrate the scientific certainty of my hand with a show of mathematical force. [339873959] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=The doctor is in... ALL IN! [339873975] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=All right, let's play doctor. I'll show you mine, and you show me yours! [339873979] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[bold]I ALWAYS see my experiments through to their conclusions. [less bold] Even when it looks like they'll explode in my face. [339873983] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=These cards are healthy specimens. I think I shall keep them. [339873996] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=That bet's so small that I should mount it on my slide and watch it get eaten by a white blood cell. But instead I'll just call it. [339874004] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[casual] Call. [339874005] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[suspicious] I call. [339874006] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I will... call. [339874007] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I call. [339874008] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=I think I will call. [339874009] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[confused] Call? [339874010] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[enthused] I call. [339874018] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[contemplating] Think of all the monkey plasma I could buy... [339874019] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=[suspicious] Occam's Razor suggests that one of you is lying...
Larry's Dialogue found in english_brock.landbd
> [339877914] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=I've got a good feeling about this. [339877925] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=[sing-songy] Here, fishy fishy fishy... [339877946] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=I'm too old for this slow-play crap! [339877956] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=What's the matter? Scared of losing a little money? [339877965] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=Ya-hoo! Now someone get me a beer! [339877965] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=Ya-hoo! Now someone get me a beer! [339877966] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=Ain't no shame in losing, junior. [339877967] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=Gotta play ta win, chumps. [339877969] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=A tie? What is this, soccer? [339877970] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=Well, that was useless. [339877971] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=All right! Nothing can stop me now, boys! [339877972] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=What the fuck!? That hand was mine! This game is fixed! [339877974] Animation= Extra= Category=DEALER Speech=The Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System is phsycially incapable of cheating, as amultiple redundant safeguards have been been put in place in to... to... to... [339877975] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=That robot bitch is cheating! [339877976] Animation= Extra= Category=DEALER Speech=I'm sorry, I couldn't keep that up with a straight face. I cheat all the time. But only with people I care about. Do you WANT me to care about you? [339877977] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=Uh- [339877978] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=[grumbling]. [339877979] Animation= Extra= Category=HOST Speech=Sit down, Colonel. [339877980] Animation= Extra= Category=HOST Speech=Sit. Down. [339877981] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=[grumbling] [339877996] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=What in Sam Hill am I gonna do with THAT? [339877997] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=We scared those other peckerheads away quickly, didn't we? [339878002] Animation=339877970.anm Extra= 339877970.wav Category=LARRY Speech=Well, that was useless. [339878003] Animation=339877969.anm Extra= 339877969.wav Category=LARRY Speech=A tie? What is this, soccer? [339878004] Animation=339877971.anm Extra= 339877971.wav Category=LARRY Speech=All right! Nothing can stop me now, boys!
An interaction between The Medic and Larry can be found in dealer_english.landb.
[339857635] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=I'm out!? I can't be-[he grabs his chest] Ack! [339857636] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=Endophins, enshmorphins, I'm gonna go kick some undead ass! [339857637] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Nein! I'll have this man up and about in no time! [339857638] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=That'll be the super-agitated enorphins. They'll wear off in about five minutes. [339857639] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=Holy shit! I feel great! I don't even care about all that money I lost!
Evidence for Sam and Brock replacing Larry and Medic can be found in host_english.landb, which features early responses for Larry, Ash, Claptrap and Medic reacting to Glados' initial appearance, with Sam and Brock noticeably being missing.
[339828780] Animation= Extra= Category=DEALER Speech=Good evening, gentlemen. [339828781] Animation= Extra= Category=CLAPTRAP Speech=Eep! [339828782] Animation= Extra= Category=LARRY Speech=Christ on a crutch! [339828783] Animation= Extra= Category=ASH Speech=What the hell!? [339828779] Animation= Extra= Category=MEDIC Speech=Gott in Himmel!
Alternate Ash Williams Introduction
Dialogue found in host_english.landb can be found which seems to reference a different introduction for Ash.
[339828770] Animation= Extra= Category=CLAPTRAP Speech=Can we get going? Steve and I have a tee time at Spyglass. [339828772] Animation= Extra= Category=HOST Speech=I suppose we should. I'd hoped our final contestant would be here by now, but it appears that we'll be one short [339828774] Animation= Extra= Category=ASH Speech=[from upper level] Not so fast! [339828773] Animation= Extra= Category=ASH Speech=Sorry I'm late, but I was helping a little old lady across the street. [339828775] Animation= Extra= Category=CLAPTRAP Speech=With a chainsaw? [339828771] Animation= Extra= Category=ASH Speech=It was a busy street. [339828776] Animation= Extra= Category=SAM Speech=I think you're bleeding. [339828777] Animation= Extra= Category=ASH Speech=No shinola, Sherlock. Look, we gonna play poker or twenty questions? 'Cause I only got a couple of hours before my girlfriend gets home from her book club. [339828778] Animation= Extra= Category=HOST Speech=Well said, Mr. Williams.
Frank the Zombie
Okay, I have zero idea what this is or why he's here, but there are multiple files listing "Frank the Zombie".
Frank the Zombie is listed primarily in Brock_English.landb
[339878033] Animation= Extra= Category=HOST Speech=The Walking Dead Bounty Item returns to Frank the Zombie! [339878034] Animation= Extra= Category=HOST Speech=Frank wins the Mystery Bounty Item! [339878035] Animation= Extra= Category=HOST Speech=Frank the Zombie wins the Army of Darkness Bounty! [339878036] Animation= Extra= Category=HOST Speech=The Borderlands Bounty Item is won by Frank the Zombie! [339878037] Animation= Extra= Category=HOST Speech=Frank takes the Portal Bounty Item! [339878038] Animation= Extra= Category=HOST Speech=Frank the Zombie wins the Bounty Item!
The Poker Night series
| |
Windows, Mac OS X | Poker Night at the Inventory • Poker Night 2 |
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, iOS | Poker Night 2 |
Related games | |
Sam & Max • Homestar Runner • Team Fortress • Monkey Island • Borderlands • Evil Dead • Portal |
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