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Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn

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Title Screen

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn

Also known as: Keito no Kirby Plus (JP)
Developer: Good-Feel[1]
Publisher: Nintendo[1]
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released in JP: March 7, 2019[1]
Released in US: March 8, 2019[1]
Released in EU: March 8, 2019[1]
Released in AU: March 9, 2019[1]
Released in KR: March 8, 2019

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn is an enhanced port of Kirby's Epic Yarn that includes several new features: Ravel Abilities, Devilish Mode, and sub-games starring King Dedede and Meta Knight. It's also notable for being the last first-party 3DS game.


Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn Demo Icon.png
eShop Demo
A downloadable eShop Demo with small differences.

Unused Ravel Abilities

Inside of RomFS/region_common/chara/new_player, three Ravel Abilities are just sitting there, unused. Each one has its respective folder. Two of them only contain their hats and Ravel Balls, while only one contains animations that are currently impossible to play.


The first ability is called "Acrylic", and is found in RomFS/region_common/chara/new_player/SOZAI_ACRYLIC/. Its hat is similar to that of Nylon's, sporting a green headband and some kind of blue fabric on top. Curiously, it has two more hat designs hiding in its texture archive, which resemble hats made out of macrame cord. It also has a Ravel Ball hiding in the ball file of the Knitting Needles Ravel Ability, which is in RomFS/region_common/gimmick/sozaiItem/sozaiItem_Amibou.gfa.


This ability is called "Gum", and can be located in RomFS/region_common/chara/new_player/SOZAI_GUM/. Its hat looks like it's made of stretched gum or various strings. Like Acrylic, it also has a Ravel Ball, now found in RomFS/region_common/gimmick/sozaiItem/sozaiItem_Gum.gfa. It also has animations and a weapon, but the animations can't be played, and the weapon can't be rendered properly and is very unfinished.


The last ability is called "Beads", and can be found in RomFS/region_common/chara/new_player/SOZAI_BEADS/. Its hat is a purple witch's hat with a small orange bead attached in the middle. Its Ravel Ball can be located in RomFS/region_common/gimmick/sozaiItem/sozaiItem_Beads.gfa and it consists of various multicolored beads around one big purple bead.


Curiously, Acrylic's Ravel Ball file, located in RomFS/region_common/gimmick/sozaiItem/sozaiItem_Acrylic.gfa, contains a strange Ravel Ball that doesn't resemble Acrylic's hat in any way. This could mean two things: Acrylic had an earlier design that resembled this Ravel Ball, or the Ravel Ball corresponds to another cut Ravel Ability.

It looks like cheese. Yum.

(Source: Vyroz)

Unused 3D Models


Present in RomFS/region_common/dummy/coin/coin.bch/ is a 3D model of a low-poly coin.

Yummy, more cheese.

(Source: Vyroz)

Unused Graphics

Early Bobbin Ravel Ball

Inside of RomFS/region_common/gimmick/sozaiItem/sozaiItem_Beads.gfa, which is the Ravel Ball file of the unused ability Beads, an early Ravel Ball for the Bobbin ability can be found. It's quite similar to the used one; However, the final version doesn't have a shadow nor pink yarn strings.

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn SozaiItem Bobbin00.png

Leftover Wii Buttons

Various button graphics in a texture called "button_C" are found in almost every file inside RomFS/region_common/chara/env/PGW/. While many of them are used, the developers forgot to remove the Wii button graphics.

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn Wii Buttons.png


Several yarn strings are found in RomFS/region_common/init/fb/wool_test.gfa/. They have no associated models or animations. There are 12 total strings, but 2 of them are duplicates of "C8_wool_04" and "C8_wool_05". This file also exists in the original Kirby's Epic Yarn, but contains entirely diffferent graphics.

(Source: Vyroz)

Unused Text

Found in RomFS/message/JP_Japanese/, a file called test_sample.msbt contains the following unused text in the entry "MSG_BOX_TEXT:"


The Japanese text translates to "A I U E O Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko Sa Shi Su", the first 13 Hiragana of the Japanese alphabet. test_sample.msbt files also exist in the other language folders, but none of those contain any text.

(Source: Vyroz)

Unused Sound Effects

Inside the game's Sound Archive, some early versions of various sound effects lie hidden within the Wave Archive and Sound Wave Entries. They're all suffixed with "old".

Sound Name Location Description
WAV 64 GUESS SD SG DDD FOOT W1 old RomFS/region_common/sound/Nintendo/PJ008.bcsar/WARC_0_GUESS_SDGROUP_0.bcwar An old sound that was probably meant to be used when King Dedede took a step or landed in Dedede Gogogo.
WAV 68 GUESS SD SG DDD HIT1 old RomFS/region_common/sound/Nintendo/PJ008.bcsar/WARC_0_GUESS_SDGROUP_0.bcwar An early sound possibly meant for King Dedede or an enemy getting hurt in Dedede Gogogo.
WAV 71 GUESS SD SG DDD HIT BLOCK NUNO1 old RomFS/region_common/sound/Nintendo/PJ008.bcsar/WARC_0_GUESS_SDGROUP_0.bcwar An early sound that could have possibly played when hitting or colliding with a block in Dedede Gogogo.
WAV 77 GUESS SD SG DDD HIT BLOCK BOM1 old RomFS/region_common/sound/Nintendo/PJ008.bcsar/WARC_0_GUESS_SDGROUP_0.bcwar An old sound for hitting a Bomb Block in Dedede Gogogo.
SD INTRR ANGIE old RomFS/region_common/sound/Nintendo/PJ008.bcsar/SD_BPLATE_DOT1.bcwsd An early sound that could have played when skipping a stage with Angie.
SD SG MKT DASH ATK old RomFS/region_common/sound/Nintendo/PJ008.bcsar/SD_BPLATE_DOT1.bcwsd An early sound for Meta Knight's Dash Attack in Slash & Bead.
(Source: Vyroz)

Debug Parameters

Various debug parameters are mentioned in RomFS/param/global_param.txt/, along with a small description of their function.

PERF_BAR_ENABLE	= true #enable performance bar
PERF_BAR_UP_ENABLE = false #enable performance bar up
FPS_DRAW_ENABLE	= true #enable fps draw
DEBUG_DISP_ENABLE = true #enable debug disp
DEBUG_BACK_BLACK = true #enable debug black back screen
DEBUG_PAD_ENABLE = false #enable pad at debug mode
ASSERT_ENABLE = true #enable assert
TERMINAL_OUTPUT	= true #enable terminal output
FILE_LOAD_DUMP 	= true #enable file loading terminal output
SOUND_DUMP = false #enable sound terminal output
DISABLE_BGM = false #disable all BGM

The mentions of the debug parameters from the original game return as well, now found in RomFS/region_common/param/fluff_param.txt/.

(Source: Vyroz)

Unused Yarn Parameter Files

Inside RomFS/region_common/bggimmick/old/, there lie six files containing thickness parameters for the textures of non-existent yarn objects.

  • Content of the first file, called "N_flower00.gfa".
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\bggimmick\old\N_flower00\

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 7

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 128
  • Content of the second file, called "N_flower01.gfa".
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\bggimmick\old\N_flower01\

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 14

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 64
  • Content of the third file, called "N_grass00.gfa".
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\bggimmick\old\N_grass00\

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 11

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 256
  • Content of the fourth file, called "N_grass01.gfa".
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\bggimmick\old\N_grass01\

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 11

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 256
  • Content of the fifth file, called "N_nesstle00.gfa".
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\bggimmick\old\N_nesstle00\

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 10
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 13

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 128
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 128
  • Content of the sixth file, called "N_spraut00.gfa".
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\bggimmick\old\N_spraut00\

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 10
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 13

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 64
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 128

The Japanese text translates to "PJ040 Parameter File for Yarn Texture Thickness".

(Source: Vyroz, Pulse (translation))

Fluff's Epic Yarn Leftovers

For some reason, the leftover files from the original game are still here. However, everything was removed from them, and they only contain yarn thickness parameters.

  • Found in RomFS/region_common/chara/player/PL00.gfa/wool_width.wp.
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\chara\player\PL00\

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 7
		s32 C8_wool_02 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_03 = 7

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 128
		s32 C8_wool_02 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_03 = 128
  • Found in RomFS/region_common/chara/player/PLAY.gfa/wool_width.wp.
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\chara\player\PLAY\

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 7
		s32 C8_wool_02 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_03 = 7
		s32 C8_wool_04 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_05 = 7
		s32 C8_wool_06 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_07 = 7
		s32 C8_wool_08 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_09 = 7
		s32 C8_wool_10 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_11 = 7
		s32 C8_wool_12 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_13 = 7
		s32 C8_wool_14 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_15 = 7

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 128
		s32 C8_wool_02 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_03 = 128
		s32 C8_wool_04 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_05 = 128
		s32 C8_wool_06 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_07 = 128
		s32 C8_wool_08 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_09 = 128
		s32 C8_wool_10 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_11 = 64
		s32 C8_wool_12 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_13 = 64
		s32 C8_wool_14 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_15 = 128
  • Found in RomFS/region_common/chara/new_player/PLAY00.gfa/wool_width.wp.
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\chara\new_player\PLAY00\

		s32 wool_00 = 10
		s32 wool_01 = 7
		s32 wool_02 = 18
		s32 wool_03 = 10
		s32 wool_04 = 10
		s32 wool_05 = 10
		s32 wool_06 = 10

		s32 wool_00 = 64
		s32 wool_01 = 64
		s32 wool_02 = 64
		s32 wool_03 = 32
		s32 wool_04 = 16
		s32 wool_05 = 64
		s32 wool_06 = 64
  • Found in RomFS/region_common/chara/new_player/PLAY01.gfa/wool_width.wp.
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\chara\new_player\PLAY01\

		s32 wool_00 = 10
		s32 wool_01 = 7
		s32 wool_02 = 10
		s32 wool_03 = 10
		s32 wool_04 = 10
		s32 wool_05 = 10
		s32 wool_06 = 10

		s32 wool_00 = 64
		s32 wool_01 = 64
		s32 wool_02 = 64
		s32 wool_03 = 32
		s32 wool_04 = 16
		s32 wool_05 = 64
		s32 wool_06 = 64
  • Found in RomFS/region_common/chara/player/QUIL.gfa/wool_width.wp.
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\chara\player\QUIL\

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_02 = 11

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_02 = 256
  • Found in RomFS/region_common/chara/player/TRAIN_00.gfa/wool_width.wp.
// PJ040用毛糸テクスチャの太さパラメータファイル
// Converter : D:\work\RandD\pj040\Python\Scripts\nw4r2nw4c\nw4r2nw4c.py
// SrcDir : D:\work\pj040\master\data_src\region_common\chara\player\TRAIN_00\

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 11
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 7

		s32 C8_wool_00 = 256
		s32 C8_wool_01 = 128

Regional Differences

English Text Differences

Every single text difference from the original Wii game is back. For the sake of brevity, only new differences will be documented.

Loading Screens

  • Meta Knight's dialogue when telling the player that they've unlocked a new stage in Slash & Bead is slightly different:
American English European English
Kirby! You unlocked a new stage in Slash & Bead! Hey, you unlocked a new stage in Slash & Bead!
  • Similarly, King Dedede's dialogue when telling the player about a new Dedede Gogogo stage is different:
American English European English
It seems you've unlocked a new stage, youngster! You've unlocked a new stage in Dedede Gogogo, youngster!

Beaded Objects

Some of the new Beaded Furniture items have different names or descriptions between versions:

American English European English
Beaded Donut

Donut made of Fuse Beads.

Beaded Doughnut

Doughnut made of Fuse Beads.

Beaded Shortcake

Shortcake made of Fuse Beads.

Beaded Sponge Cake

Sponge cake made of Fuse Beads.


There are many differences between amiibo-related text. Almost every instance of "NFC Reader/Writer" from the USA version of the game was changed to "Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader/Writer" in the European version.

American English European English
Please turn the system's wireless communication features ON. Please enable wireless communication for this system.
The NFC Reader/Writer requires an update. Update it now? The Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader/Writer requires an update. Update it now?
The NFC Reader/Writer needs to be updated. The Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader/Writer needs to be updated.
The NFC Reader/Writer may be malfunctioning. Try turning it off and back on again. The Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader/Writer may be malfunctioning. Try turning it off and back on again.
Please reboot the NFC Reader/Writer and try again. Please reboot the Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader/Writer and try again.
The infrared function may be malfunctioning. Please reboot your system and try again. The infrared function may be malfunctioning. Please restart your system and try again.
Reboot your system and try again. Restart your system and try again.
Tap the amiibo to the NFC Reader/Writer. Hold the amiibo to the Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader/Writer.
To read an amiibo, simply tap the amiibo to the touch screen. To read an amiibo, simply hold the amiibo to the touch screen.
Tap the amiibo to the touch screen. Hold the amiibo to the touch screen.


Some of the text related to the StreetPass functions of the game was changed between regions.

American English European English
You've got a new StreetPass! You've met someone via StreetPass!
If you turn StreetPass on, you'll exchange rooms with people you StreetPass with. The name of your room will also be sent. If you activate StreetPass, you'll exchange rooms with people you meet via StreetPass. The room's name will also be sent.

Photo Functionality

The photo system has a few lines of dialogue that are different between regions.

American English European English
There's not enough free space on the SD card. Save could not be completed. There's not enough free space on the SD card. Could not save.
The SD card is write-protected. Save could not be completed. The SD card is write-protected. Could not save.
You have taken the max number of photos. You can't save any more. You have taken the maximum number of photos. You can't save any more.
Save complete. You can view pictures you've taken in the Album or in the Nintendo 3DS Camera app. Save complete. You can view pictures you've taken in the Album or in the Nintendo 3DS Camera application.

Error Messages

Of all things, the message that pops up when the game suffers from an error is also different between versions.

American English European English
An error has occurred. If this error occurs again, visit https://www.nintendo.com/ and click on Support. An error has occurred. If this error occurs again, please visit support.nintendo.com.

Internal Project Name

While it appears that Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn carries over both internal names from the original game, those being "PJ008" and "Fluff", it also gains two new names, the first one being "Fluff-C", found in the file ExHeader.bin, and the other one being "PJ040", according to the yarn thickness parameter files.

(Source: Vyroz)
