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Agent Hugo: Lemoon Twist

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Title Screen

Agent Hugo: Lemoon Twist

Developer: Coyote Console
Publisher: ITE Media
Platforms: Windows, PlayStation 2, Wii
Released in EU: November 5, 2007 (Windows/PS2), May 29, 2008 (Wii),

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Agent Hugo: Lemoon Twist is a 3D platform game starring Hugo the TV troll that is played from a behind view perspective. Once again Agent Hugo returns as the ever-resourceful secret agent in a battle against time to stop the evil Dr. Hypno.

Debug Features

A settings file named Game.ini can be found in all three versions. Setting a value to 1 enables an option, while 0 disables the option.



Displays "Version 4.6" (Windows), "Version 3.6 SLES-54918" (PS2), or "Version 6.3" (Wii) on the top-left corner of the screen. The version is actually right above the options in Game.ini.


Enables/disables audio.


Skips the opening credits and logos.

The debug level select menu displays the theme and name of each level, as well as the internal file name and what sprite file is used.

Agent Hugo Lemoon Twist Quickboot.png


Agent Hugo- Lemoon Twist debug screen.png

Enables a debug menu that can be selected from entering a level and pause the game.

Agent Hugo- Lemoon Twist pause.png

A debug display also appears while the main debug option is enabled. It details the player's x/y/z position and camera style.


Agent Hugo- Lemoon Twist debug menu.png

Enables a menu in the pause menu that can give some options.

Other Options

The Windows version has additional debug options available if the game is running in windowed mode under the View tab.

View tab contents
Render Mode > Point
Display Mode > Off
Culling Boxes
Collision Spheres
Collision Bounds
Enable Lighting
Enable Fog
Use Polygon Lists
Height Maps
Texture Viewer
Metric Viewer
Model Viewer
Pathfinder Obsticles

Render Modes

Agent Hugo- Lemoon Twist RenderMode-Line.png

There are four different render modes: the regular one, a solid color one where everything is white except the outlines, a lined wireframe and a dotted frame mode.

Texture Viewer

Agent Hugo- Lemoon Twist TextureViewer.png

Shows all the currently loaded textures in memory.

This menu is also present in the PS2 version and can be enabled with this code. Zooming on PS2 is done by pressing R2 and L2.

002F1464 00000001

Metrics Viewer

Agent Hugo- Lemoon Twist MetricsViewer.png

This option only seems to work properly on PS2, displaying the current performance.

002F1468 00000001